Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025
Sarpagandha has been known for its medicinal value and has several medicinal value and has several health benefits, such as; Treatment of snake and spider bites, reduces high blood pressure, suitable remedy for insomnia, aids to mental disorders, regularises mensturation, controls dysentery, provides relief from uterine pain due to or after miscarriage.
Sarpagandha is a species of flower from the family Apocynaceae. It is an evergreen, erect, perennial herbs. Roots of this herb are tuberous with a cork of pale brown colour, leaves are of bright green colour and found in whorl of three. The flowers are mostly white in colour, sometimes violet. Drupes of this plants are slightly connate, ovoid, and purplish black in colour. Fruits are oval and fleshy , turns shiny purple – black on ripening.
Sarpagandha comprises of many bioactive chemicals with more than 50 different alkaloids. The main alkaloids are ajmaline, ajmalinine, indobine, indobinine, ajmalinine, serpentine, serpentinine, desperdine, reserpine, reserpiline, rescinnamine, rescinnamidine.
Sarpagandha is useful for lowering and managing the blood pressure. Reserpine present in the roots binds the VESICULAR MONAMINE TRANSPORTERS (VMATs) and inhibits the uptake of norepinephrine into secretory vesicles and depletes serotonin and catecholamines from the central and peripheral axon terminals. It results in depletion of neurotransmitters and reduces promulgation of the nerve impulses occurring in the postsynaptic nerve cells. This depletion results in suppression of sympathetic nerve function, which decreases arterial blood pressure and heart rate, which in turn reduces the blood pressure.
Sarpagandha contains hypnotic action which helps you in getting a good sleep. Its powder can be mixed with Rose Distillate and taken two hours before sleep to get desired results. The mixture of Sarpagandha powder along with 2 parts of misri and one part of khurasani ajwain can be consumed right before teh sleep to get the best results.
Sarpagandha has hypnotic, antipsychotic (neuroleptic), sedative and anti-anxiety actions. Therefore, it helps to treat several types of mental disorders with aggression, crying, running, beating and sleeplessness. In such cases, 1 part of Sarpagandha powder mixed with 2 parts of Jatamansi Root Powder, should be taken twice daily with cow’s milk.
In some cases, high-grade fever (103 F to 106 F) results in hallucinations, confusion, irritability, and convulsions. Sarpagandha is best for reducing fever, preventing and treating these symptoms. In high-grade fever, Sarpagandha Powder is used in dosage of 500 mg thrice daily along with Coconut Water or Rose.
Sarpagandha is useful in the treatment of uterine pain occurring due to miscarriage. It contracts the uterus and helps to eliminate the toxins and residues from the uterine cavity. Then it relaxes the uterine muscles, bleeding stops and pain reduces. In such case, Sarpagandha powder should be used in dosage of 500 mg thrice daily for 1 to 2 days. Then its dosage should be reduced to 250 mg thrice daily for another 3 days.
Sarpagandha reduces pains occurring during the menstrual periods. It modulates the blood flow during menstruation and reduces cramps and throbbing pain. In such case,1 part of Sarpagandha root powder should be taken with 1 part of Jatamansi Root Powder twice Daily for 2 to 3 days along with water.
Sarpagandha is a drug in ayurveda for bite by SAW SCALED VIPER SNAKE . In such case, its roots powder mixed with black pepper and water is used for the treatment of snake poison.
It is used as a useful herb in the Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy treatments. Thus it has its uses in pharmaceutical factories.
Sarpagandha is found in India, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka, and Burma. In India it is distributed from Punjab to Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan, it is also found in Eastern and the Western Ghats, lower hills of Gangetic plains and Andaman. Thus it is widely cultivated in many parts of India. They are best grown I at the elevation between 1200 – 1300 m above MSL, in medium to deep black soils rich in humus with pH ranging between 4.7 – 6.5. A humid and warm climate with shade-loving conditions, annual rainfall of about 300 – 500 mm and temperature ranging between 10°C - 30°C is best suited for Sarpagandha cultivation.
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