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Scarlet Fever - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diet And Natural Remedies

Last Updated: Mar 17, 2022

What is scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever or scarlatina is an infection which develops in people suffering from strep throat. Scarlatina is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria, which is, in fact, the same group of bacterium that causes strep throat. A patient infected with Group A Streptococcus bacteria develops bright red rashes all over their body, which is caused by the poison or toxin that is produced by this bacterium. Patients also suffer from sore throat and high fever, when suffering from this disease. This illness generally affects children who are in between 5 and 15 years. Although it is a rare disease nowadays, in the past it used to be a common childhood illness.

The prevalence has decreased considerably after the discovery of antibiotics. However, the enigma lies in the fact that although scarlatina is a rare disease in the modern times, with the advent of antibiotic medicines, strep throat nevertheless remains a common disease among children, even today. The bacterium that causes scarlet fever, lives in the nasal cavity and mouth of the patient. So the infection easily spreads when someone infected with it sneezes or coughs. So, it passes on from one person to another, if someone drinks from the same glass or eats from the same plate used by the patient suffering from this malady.

What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?

The scarlet fever symptoms are as follows:

  • There is a red rash on the skin which looks like sunburn and appears first on the neck or face and then from there start spreading to different parts of the body.
  • Red lines also start to appear around the armpits, elbows, knees, neck, groin and the skin usually becomes of deep red colour which is surrounded by a rash.
  • The face appears pale and there is a ring around the mouth thus making the face flushed out.
  • The tongue becomes red and white coating covers the tongue in the early disease.
  • The redness and rashes on the skin and tongue last for at least 1 week and when these marks are gone the skin rash starts to peel off.
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Sore and red throat
  • Fever
  • Enlarged glands

Can Scarlet Fever go away on its own?

Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection, accompanied by the appearance of red-pink rashes on the body. The associated symptoms may be mild or severe. Mild cases of this disease may resolve spontaneously within a week.

Treatment is not required in such cases as self-care techniques or over-the-counter medicines are sufficient.

Summary: Scarlet fever may be mild to moderate or severe depending upon the severity of the infection. Medical care and treatment are not required in such cases as they resolve themselves.

Does scarlet fever still exist?

Scarlet fever is a common childhood infection. It still exists though the severity is less due to the advanced mode of treatment. The disease used to be more serious in the past when treatment and medicines were not up to the mark.

But nowadays, it has become rarer and less threatening due to the availability of modern and effective antibiotics. However, occasional outbreaks still occur.

Summary: Scarlet fever nowadays exists as occasional outbreaks only. It is effectively controlled due to the availability of modern antibiotics unlikely in the past when it was used to be a serious childhood illness.

Is rheumatic fever the same as scarlet fever?

Rheumatic fever is the advanced or severe form of scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is a common ailment caused due to invasion of bacteria. It is not serious and can easily be controlled with an early diagnosis followed by the application of antibiotics.

But in case it is left untreated or not detected in the early stages, an inflammatory condition may arise which is known as rheumatic fever.

Summary: Rheumatic fever is basically an untreated form of scarlet fever. It is accompanied by severe inflammatory reactions. It develops when scarlet fever is left in untreated conditions.

The main cause of scarlet fever S. pyogenes bacteria which is the same bacteria which causes strep throat. There is toxin released by bacteria which causes redness and rashes on the skin and tongue. This infection can spread from one person to another person through the droplets at the time of cough and cold. The incubation period is usually for two or three days.

Can scarlet fever cause joint pain?

Scarlet fever is a common ailment of streptococcus bacterial infection. It causes mild to moderate symptoms such as red-pink rashes on the body, sore throat, itching, fever, etc. in its early stages. But in case it is left untreated, it reaches its more severe stage accompanied by inflammation.

This stage, known as rheumatic fever, produces symptoms like pain, tender joints in the knees, elbows, wrist, or ankles. This is quite discomforting and needs urgent medical care and treatment.

Summary: Scarlet fever usually shows symptoms like body rashes, itching, fever, etc. But it can cause pain and tenderness in joints when left untreated and reaches the stage of Rheumatic fever.

How to diagnose scarlet fever?

Doctors generally first perform a physical exam on the patient to diagnose this ailment. During the physical examination, the doctor checks the condition of the child’s throat, tongue and observes the tonsil of the child. The physician can also check for enlarged lymph nodes and diagnose the appearance of the rash. If the doctor suspects any patient with this disease, a throat culture is usually advised, whereby the doctor swab the back of the child’s throat for collecting a sample for laboratory analysis. As it been mentioned earlier, scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics. Ingesting antibiotics helps the body’s immune system to fight off the bacterium that’s causing the infection as well as kill the bacteria which has infected the host’s body.


How to treat scarlet fever?

Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor if child or baby has scarlet fever as this disease mostly attack children of age 5-15. The full course of medication should be completed by the child and if there is an elimination then the risk of infection increases and complications can also develop.

How to prevent scarlet fever?

These are the best ways to prevent scarlet fever:

  • Staying at home and not going to crowded places like school or in the playground.
  • Washing hands frequently with soap or warm water helps in preventing scarlet fever.
  • Utensils and food items must not be shared with anyone
  • Mouth and nose must be covered at the time of sneezing and coughing and handkerchief must be used.
  • Practising good hygiene keeps is the best way of preventing the disease.

Is scarlet fever contagious?

Scarlet fever is a contagious disease as it is an airborne disease and can spread from one person to another. It spreads from the cough of an infected person. Scarlet fever is so contagious that it can happen to a person who stays in close contact with someone who is having the disease and can get throat or skin infection. The disease can also spread by using a contaminated towel, clothes, or bed linen.

How long does scarlet fever last?

A person stays infectious up to 7 days before the start of symptoms until 24 hours and if the person suffering from scarlet fever does not take any medicine then he/she can be infectious for 2-3 weeks.

What is the best diet plan for a person suffering from scarlet fever?

Foods to avoid during scarlet fever

  • Coarse food: Food which is rough, raw and crunchy must be avoided as they are hard to swallow and irritate the sore throat.
  • Acidic foods: Foods like oranges, vinegar, lemon, lime, tomatoes, as it can make the condition of throat worse.
  • Spicy food:

    Eating spicy food must be avoided as they cause a burning sensation in the throat.

  • Alcoholic drinks: It may cause dry throat and it becomes more painful.

Foods to eat during scarlet fever

  • Soups: Broths and soups are easy to swallow thus helps in easing up the throat.
  • Plain yoghurt: Helps in improving the immune system of the body and yet another an easy to eat food.
  • Non Acidic fruits: Fruits such as bananas, avocados, raspberries must be eaten as they do not hurt the throat much.

What are the side-effects of Scarlet Fever treatments?

Scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics. Penicillin and amoxicillin are the most recommended antibiotic options in case the patient is not allergic to penicillin. Other antibiotics may also be prescribed by the doctors when the patient is allergic to the penicillin group of drugs.

The infection gets easily controlled by this treatment method, but there are certain side effects associated with it. The most commonly experienced side effects are:

  • Watery stools or diarrhea
  • Feeling of nausea
  • Frequent vomiting
  • Decreased appetite
  • Bad or metallic mouth taste

Should I go to urgent care for Scarlet Fever?

Scarlet fever is a common childhood illness that usually is not associated with urgent symptoms. It is easily treatable under medical supervision. An antibiotic course for 10 days is prescribed by the doctor which is sufficient to cure the condition.

However, in some cases, there is a need for urgent care. This happens when a sudden outbreak occurs which is accompanied by the presence of rashes on the body along with fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes.

How long does it take to recover from Scarlet Fever?

It usually takes a time period of about 7 days to recover from Scarlet fever when the symptoms are mild. Such cases do not require treatment as symptoms resolve themselves. However, in moderate to severe cases, treatment is needed which includes a full course of oral antibiotics for 10 days.

The fever subsides within 24 hours of starting the medication. The body rashes usually fade in about 7 days.

Summary: The recovery time for a Scarlet fever depends upon the severity of symptoms. Mild cases recover in 7 days while moderate to severe cases take about 10 days to get resolved.

What is the price of Scarlet Fever treatment in India?

The treatment methods of Scarlet fever mainly include a full course of antibiotics such as penicillin or amoxicillin. Thus, the cost of treatment of this disease is the net expense related to the purchase of antibiotics along with the consultation fee of the doctor or physician. It is quite affordable for everyone.

Summary: The cost of treatment of Scarlet disease includes a total sum of the consultation fee of the doctor or physician along with the antibiotic-related expenses. It is quite affordable.

Physical Exercises for the people suffering from Scarlet Fever:

There are no specific physical exercises recommended for people suffering from Scarlet fever. The condition is accompanied by the development of rashes on the body which causes physical discomfort to the affected individual. Hence, it is not preferred to do exercises that involve more movement of the body parts.

Basic and mild forms of exercises including brisk walking, yoga, stretching, etc. can be preferred as these are beneficial for health. These improve overall blood circulation in the body and promote a faster recovery.

Summary: Exercises are always beneficial for health as they improve blood circulation throughout the body and promote faster recovery. Only basic and mild exercises are preferred in such conditions.

Which is the best medicine for Scarlet Fever?

The best medicine for Scarlet fever includes penicillin-group of antibiotics such as Penicillin and Amoxicillin. These are the best-recommended medicines that a doctor prescribes to the patient suffering from Scarlet fever.

However, in case a person is allergic to penicillin, other antibiotics may be prescribed. A 10 days full course of the medicine is necessary, otherwise, recurrence of the symptoms may occur.

Summary: Oral antibiotics are the best-recommended choices in case of Scarlet fever. Out of these, penicillin-group antibiotics are mostly preferred. In case anyone is allergic to penicillin, other options are also there.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

When the symptoms associated with Scarlet fever are moderate to severe, it requires treatment under the supervision of a doctor. The treatment is done with the help of antibiotics.

A full 10-days course of the antibiotics is important for better results otherwise recurrence may occur. Symptoms resolve completely, thus results are permanent with this treatment method.

Summary: The results are permanent when Scarlet fever is treated with the help of antibiotics. A full antibiotic course is the recommended treatment in such conditions which is followed by complete recovery.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

Treatment in the case of Scarlet fever is done by antibiotics. The alternatives to this treatment may involve home remedies and certain lifestyle modifications. Some of them which are preferred include:

  • Use of over-the-counter medicines: Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc. are the common NSAIDs preferred against fever and pain.
  • Consumption of adequate fluids: This is important to prevent dehydration.
  • Gargling with salt water: This effectively relieves throat pain.
  • Consumption of easy-to-swallow foods: These foods such as soups, ice pop, etc. can soothe sore throat symptoms.
  • Avoiding irritants: Surroundings should be kept clean and free from irritants like cigarette smoke, cleaning products, etc.
Summary: Alternatives to the treatment mainly include certain lifestyle modifications and home remedies. Use of over-the-counter medicines, intake of adequate fluids, consuming easy-to-swallow foods, etc. are some of the preferred ways to manage Scarlet fever.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

Moderate to severe cases of Scarlet fever is eligible for treatment. Such cases involve symptoms like rashes all over the body, fever, headache, itching, sore throat, painful and inflamed joints, etc. These symptoms need proper treatment under medical supervision.

Summary: Scarlet fever when accompanied by moderate to severe symptoms, needs medical care and treatment. Such cases need proper consultation with a doctor, thus eligible for treatment.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

Mild cases of Scarlet fever are not eligible for treatment. These involve mild symptoms like red-pink rashes on the body, mild fever or itching, etc. which can resolve spontaneously without any need for treatment. Self-care techniques and over-the-counter medicines are sufficient for in such conditions.

Summary: People who have mild symptoms of Scarlet fever are usually not eligible for the treatment. They can get rid of the condition only by home remedies and over-the-counter medicines.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

Post-treatment guidelines of Scarlet fever involve preventive measures which are to be taken against recurrence of the related symptoms. Such important preventive measures include:

  • Intake of adequate fluids: This is important to maintain proper body hydration.
  • Use of air-humidifier: Use of a cool-mist humidifier should be preferred for eliminating the dry air from surroundings. This is needed to prevent sore throat-like conditions.
  • Avoiding irritants: One should keep his/her surroundings clean and free of irritants like cigarette smoke, cleaning products, etc. This is needed to prevent throat irritation.
  • Medical check-ups and follow-up: One should not ignore this as it is important to keep an eye on the recurrence of symptoms.
Summary: Post-treatment guidelines of Scarlet fever mainly include important preventive measures so as to prevent recurrence of the related symptoms. Use of air-humidifiers, consumption of adequate fluids, and avoiding irritants are some of them.

How to cure scarlet fever naturally?

These are the natural remedies to cure scarlet fever:

  • Gargling with pink Himalayan salt: this helps in reducing inflammation and gives relief in pain as saltwater washes out toxins.
  • Tea tree oil: It helps to soothe the rashes as tea tree oil helps in smoothing the area which has been affected with scarlet fever.
  • Coconut oil: It helps in improving the immune system treats inflammation, also helps in fighting down the bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • Manuka honey: this is rich in vitamin B, amino acids and essential minerals, thus, helps in the healing of eczema, helps in the stoppage of growth of strep bacteria. If there are rashes on skin then manuka honey can be directly applied to the skin as it provides relief to the skin.
  • Vitamin C: It helps in boosting up of immunity, also fight viral conditions, therefore it must be eaten as it is good during scarlet fever.
  • Dehydration: Children affect with scarlet fever, must drink plenty of water in order to avoid dehydration.

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Written ByDr. Ashok Mishra MBBSGeneral Physician
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