MCh Plastic Surgery, MS - General more
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Bangalore
Hello, Septoplasty is a procedure done for DNS it is safe and gives good symptomatic relief. It is a simple operation in good hands there will be a nasal pack which will be removed next day. You may have some blood stained mucous discharge form nose for 2-3 days. There will be some stuffiness and blockage of nose for a few days for which drops will be given. Some amount of irritation and dryness is common upto 2 months. If you require any external nose correction to give good shape it can be don...more
It is normal to have some nasal closure for first few weeks after the surgery. Your nasal passage and breathing should return to normal 2-3 weeks after surgery. You can use nasal saline mist spray can be used every 2-3 hours after surgery and can make your nose more comfortable after surgery. These sprays (Ayr, Ocean, Simple Saline) are over-the-counter medications and can be purchased in any pharmacy. If you were taking nasal steroid sprays prior to surgery you should avoid using these for at l...more
Hi. It would have helped you better if you had mentioned the surgery you underwent. Regarding weakness, you can take supplements like protein ☓, resource powder for short duration of time. Take care.
Dear Lybrate user, the swelling in area and pain in ear may be sign of infection in those remaining pieces of broken tooth. As your doctor says it is better to extract that remaining tooth peices. Or else pain and swelling will keep coming back.
Yes it is possible to place implant in immediate extracted socket and it takes around half an hour for whole process of implant placement and average costing is 20000.
Hi Mr. lybrate-user. First of all we should see whether it is dental class 3 malocclusion or skeletal class 3 malocclusion or both. After that only we can decide the treatment. And if surgery is nedded go for that also. Maximum the duration will be around 18 to 24 months.
depending on space requirement, it is decided which teeth to extract. and to maintain symmetry and balance two or four teeth are extracted if needed. yes orthodontic treatment can be done by extraction of two premolars also
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