MD Consultant Pathologist, CCEBDM more
Sexologist•Sri Ganganagar
This situation where your male partner is positive and you are negative= such can happen in two situations= 1.std not transmitted you may be in window period, needs recheck later on.
Hello- some std's are symptom less in the carrier but can be transmitted to others which may fall ill due to it. Only a std test can help rule out the illness.
Hello- kissing is generally a low-risk activity compared to anal, oral, and vaginal sex. Still, stis, such as herpes, hmv, hpv, and syphilis, may transmit through active lesions or saliva.
MD - Alternate Medicine, Sexologist, more
It’s essential for both you and your partner to undergo STD testing to ensure your sexual health and well-being. Testing can detect the presence of STDs and allow for appropriate treatment if necessary.
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
please take proper consultation and don't think about STD, it may be other infection like herpese, so think about this and get proper treatment. please send enquiry to get ayurvedic treatment
Hello- it's a good idea to get tested for stis regularly, usually every 3 – 12 months. For example, if you or your partner (s) are having sex with new or casual partners, you might want to test every 3 or 6 months. It is not usually recommended to test more often than every 3 months (ie. Monthly).