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Shoulder surgery: Purpose, Procedure, Benefits and Side Effects

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2023

What is Shoulder surgery?

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Shoulder surgery is an orthopaedic surgical procedure that is used to repair and reconstruct various parts of the shoulder, including the joint, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues.

Types of Shoulder

  • Rotator Cuff Repair: A rotator cuff repair is a surgical process used to repair a torn rotator cuff, rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help to stabilise the shoulder all the time. During the surgery, the torn muscle and tendon are reattached to the bone.
  • Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery: Arthroscopic shoulder surgery is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat shoulder problems such as rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement, and labral tears. During the procedure, a small incision is made in the shoulder, and a tiny camera called an arthroscope is inserted into the joint to allow your surgeon to view and work on your shoulder without making large incisions.
  • Shoulder Replacement Surgery: Shoulder replacement surgery, also known as total shoulder arthroplasty or hemiarthroplasty, is performed to replace an arthritic or injured joint with an artificial prosthesis. During this procedure, your surgeon will remove any damaged bone or cartilage from your shoulder and replace it with metal components that act as a joint replacement.
  • Acromioclavicular Joint Reconstruction: The acromioclavicular (AC) joint reconstruction is a surgical procedure used for reconstructing the damaged ligaments of the AC joint in order to restore stability of the shoulder joint. The surgery involves replacing or repairing torn or damaged ligaments with tendon grafts

Benefits of Shoulder surgery:

  • Shoulder surgery can relieve chronic pain by correcting any abnormalities in the shoulder.
  • It can help improve range of motion, allowing for better mobility and flexibility in the shoulder joint.
  • It can also increase strength and stability, reducing the risk of future injuries and dislocations by providing a more stable support structure for the shoulder joint.
  • It may also correct any deformities that could have an effect on daily activities such as dressing or moving items over one’s shoulder with ease or agility.
  • Surgery may also help improve posture, helping to reduce neck, back and arm pain caused by an uneven weight distribution or stress placed on other areas of the body due to improper alignment of the affected limb joint(s).

Why is Shoulder surgery done?

  • Shoulder surgery is done to repair or replace damaged tissues or structures in the shoulder joint.
  • Commonly, shoulder surgery is done to treat traumatic injuries, such as a rotator cuff tear or dislocated shoulder, and to repair chronic conditions such as arthritis.


What are the risks of Shoulder surgery?


  • Nerve damage
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Reactions to anaesthesia.
  • Other risks are specific to the type of procedure including time under anaesthesia (general or local), risk of damage to surrounding tissue or bone structures and post-operative complications.

How do I prepare for Shoulder surgery?

  • Talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of shoulder surgery, as well as what post-operative care will be required.
  • Ask for physical therapy referrals to help you prepare for the surgery and recovery period afterwards.
  • Discuss with your doctor which medications or supplements should be taken, avoided, or stopped during the pre-surgery and post-surgery phases.
  • Make sure you arrange for transportation to and from the hospital on the day of surgery unless you have somebody who can take you home that same day.
  • Arrange for somebody to stay with you overnight since your arm movement, mobility and range of motion will be limited after surgery due to pain and discomfort associated with it.
  • Follow any instructions or advice given to you by your doctor or surgeon pre-operatively in order to reduce potential complications during or after surgery such as infections.
  • Prepare for a sling or immobiliser if needed after surgery by stocking up on comfortable clothing items like sweatpants without zippers, loose fitting button downs etcetera that are easy to slip into when putting on a sling/immobiliser is necessary .
  • Bring any paperwork/forms to the hospital if required related specifically to your procedure like consent forms etcetera that are necessary for surgical staff ahead of time so there are no delays on the day of procedure from your end .

How Shoulder surgery done?

The exact procedure for a shoulder surgery depends on the type of injury, but generally, the surgeon will make an incision near the shoulder joint, and then:

  • Separate the muscles and other tissues surrounding the joint to gain access to the bones.
  • Trim off any damaged or broken pieces of bone and cartilage.
  • Reattach any torn ligaments or tendons using sutures or pins, or even grafting tissue from another part of your body (in more severe cases).
  • Reattach muscle and other soft tissues around the joint to provide stability and strength.
  • Repair any damage to the muscles, tendons, or ligaments using sutures or stitches.
  • Place a splint or sling to ensure proper positioning during healing and protect against further injury while recovering.
  • Close incisions with sutures, staples, glue, or skin tapes depending on the procedure used.

Steps to perform Before the procedure

  • Have a physical exam.
  • Provide your doctor a complete medical history of your including any allergies if present.
  • Stop taking any medications or herbs that may interfere with your surgery such as ibuprofen or aspirin, as directed by your doctor.
  • Avoid having meals and fluids 8 hours before the procedure.
  • As you will be under anaesthesia therefore someone should be present there to bring you back home after the complete surgery.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing that can easily be removed before the procedure and does not interfere with the operating site such as avoiding buttons, jewellery and belts near the operative area of the shoulder surgery, if necessary

Steps to perform During the procedure

  • The patient is given general anaesthesia or regional nerve blocks.
  • The surgeon will make an surgical incision in the shoulder area to access the affected joint and location of the tear.
  • If necessary, any loose fragments will be removed, then the torn tissues are trimmed and repaired with sutures.
  • Nuts, screws or pins may be used for reattachment depending on a variety of factors such as size, age and extent of injury to the shoulder joint and tissue repair requirements at hand.
  • After reattachment and suturing, the incision area is closed using dissolvable sutures.
  • Some patients may require physical therapy after surgery in order to help strengthen their shoulders, arm and muscles surrounding it back to health

Steps of perform After the procedure

  • Take prescribed medications as advised by the doctor
  • Follow instructions for wound care
  • You should do physical therapy in order to regain strength and mobility
  • Avoid any strenuous activities, including lifting, pushing, or pulling heavy objects
  • Ice your shoulder as needed to reduce swelling or pain
  • Wear a sling or immobiliser if instructed by your doctor
  • Follow-up with your doctor regularly for check-ups and tests to monitor the healing process

How much does Shoulder surgery cost in India?

The cost of shoulder surgery in India can vary based on the complexity and duration of the procedure and the type of hospital or clinic you choose.Generally, a basic arthroscopic shoulder surgery can cost anywhere between Rs 10,000 to Rs 3 lakhs. Complex procedures may cost even higher.

What to eat after Shoulder surgery?

  • Soft foods such as yoghourt, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and cooked vegetables
  • Lean proteins such as fish, skinless chicken, and beans
  • Complex carbohydrates such as whole grain breads and cereals
  • High-fibre fruits and vegetables
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts
  • Plenty of fluids to stay hydrated

Is Shoulder surgery safe?

Yes, shoulder surgery is generally safe. This type of surgery has a low risk of complications, as long as it is performed by an experienced surgeon and the patient follows pre- and post-operative care instructions closely.

Is Shoulder surgery painful?

  • In general, shoulder surgery can be painful depending on the type and complexity of the procedure.
  • However, most patients experience relief from their pain once the procedure is complete.
  • In some cases, patients may experience some soreness or discomfort at the site of the surgery or in their range of motion for a few weeks after the surgery.
  • Additionally, there may be swelling and bruising around the area until it heals.
  • Finally, there could be uncomfortable feelings such as throbbing or aching in your shoulder which can last for up to several months.
  • Overall, however, most patients find that their pain is manageable with proper rest and physical therapy.

How long does it take to recover from Shoulder surgery?

Generally, people spend about 4-6 weeks recovering from shoulder surgery. During this time it's important to follow your doctor's instructions regarding physical therapy, medication and activity levels.

Following a doctor’s orders will ensure that you have a successful recovery with improved range of motion and strength in your shoulder.

What are the side effects of Shoulder surgery?

  • The most common side effects of shoulder surgery include pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of shoulder range of motion.
  • Other potential side effects may include infection, nerve or blood vessel damage, bleeding, and loosening of the joint.
  • A patient may also experience a prolonged healing period as well as weakness in their shoulder muscle. In rare cases, there could be medical complications that require additional follow up care.

Shoulder surgery Aftercare:

  • Shoulder surgery aftercare is an important part of the recovery process.
  • Taking the time to rest, stretch, and exercise as prescribed by your doctor will help you gain strength and range of motion in your shoulder joint.
  • A physical therapist can be extremely helpful for teaching you various exercises that can safely encourage healing and aid the recovery process.
  • After surgery, it is important to take breaks from exercise.
  • Pushing too hard or too soon can cause further injury and delay healing time.
  • It is important to follow any instructions from your doctor about post-operative care, including follow-up appointments or additional tests like X-rays.
  • Your doctor will most likely suggest limiting activities that involve shoulder use for at least two weeks after surgery.
  • It is very important to avoid weightlifting and contact sports until you have been cleared by a doctor to do so -- this may occur at the point when full range of motion has been regained or symptoms have diminished significantly.
  • Be sure to discuss any questions you have with your doctor or physical therapist before starting a fitness activity or activity which involves shoulder use since it can be easy to forget proper techniques when beginning a new form of exercise after an extended period away from physical activity due to injury/surgery recovery.
  • Additionally, make sure not to overwork shoulder muscles during exercises as this could result in further damage that could delay recovery time even longer than originally expected.


Based on the symptoms and imaging scans examined, it is likely that surgery will be necessary to treat your shoulder condition. Surgery will help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and prevent further degeneration of the joint.

While there is always some risk associated with any kind of medical procedure, it is important to speak with your surgeon about the exact risks involved. The results of your surgery can vary greatly based on you and your surgeon’s skill as well as any other conditions you may possibly have.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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