Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-k-k-reddy-pulmonologist Mbbs diploma in tuberculosis and chest diseases dtcd 27 years experience - 350 at clinic
He has significant medical knowledge in pulmonology and is well recognised as a leading medical expert. A name like his would be hard to forget. Professionalism was refined during his 1995 graduation from the mbbs at osmania medical college in hyderabad, from which he received high honours. A large number of patients with the utmost care and precision at several prestigious facilities, including as a consultant at st. Theresa hospital in erragadda, and also at anupama hospital and prasad hospital. He is well-known within the medical community in kukatpally, where he often gives talks at cme events for doctors.
Dr. K prasanna kumar reddy Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-k-prasanna-kumar-reddy-pulmonologist
Fccp usa dnb diploma in tuberculosis and chest diseases dtcd 14 years experience - 400 at clinic
Doctor reddy is eagerly trained as a chest physician, pulmonologist, and somnologist to acquire clinical experience in the field of pulmonology. His efforts resulted in distinguished degrees from the fccp. He knows everything there is to know about this subject matter. ; The national board of new delhi awarded him a diploma in tuberculosis and chest diseases (dtcd) in 2008 from guntur medical college in guntur, india. He is a well-respected member of the european respiratory society, the american college of chest physicians, and the indian chest society and has spoken at several postgraduate medical workshops and seminars. Dr. Chandra mohan Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-chandra-mohan-pulmonologist-1
Mbbs dtcd 16 years experience - 300 online
He is a renowned physician who possesses clinical expertise in the field of pulmonary medicine, having precise and absolute knowledge of working in the field as a pulmonologist and an asthma specialist, also working as a chest physician and an allergist, treating needy patients. He is also an hiv specialist, treating patients as a sleep specialist. He earned his expertise in prestigious degrees such as mbbs and dtcd of osmania medical college in 2006. As a registrar at mahavir hospital, he provides treatment to a number of patients at a variety of well-known institutions using the highest level of caution and accuracy. He has worked as a consultant at the yashoda hospital in secunderabad, at the oxygen hospital, at the kamala hospital, and also at the ikon hospital in dilsukhnagar. Dr. Rikin hasnani Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-rikin-hasnani-pulmonologist Md mbbs 12 years experience - 350 at clinic - 700 online
Dr. Hasnani's clinical experience in the field of pulmonary medicine was achieved via the completion of a prominent degree of doctor of medicine and a doctor of surgery. He is known as a distinguished physician. In 2010, he worked at the chalmeda anand rao institute of medical sciences, and in 2017, he had treatment training at svs medical college and hospital. ; He is a renowned physician with clinical expertise in the field. He has done his postgraduate from svs medical college and hospital, worked as a resident at nova super speciality hospital, as a hospital resident at care nampally, registrar at olive hospital, senior resident at gandhi hospital, and consultant at udai omni hospital. He has treated many of his patients with the utmost care and precision at various reputed institutions.
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He has extensive experience as a pulmonologist general physician and holds significant degrees in the area from bangalore medical college and research institute bangalore, where he studied medicine. He is a well-respected physician with training in pulmonary medicine, having completed mrcp in 2010 and the cct- respiratory medicine in 2013, both from the royal college of physicians of the united kingdom. He has served as a clinical research fellow at university hospital of south manchester, a pulmonologist at the Dr. Pradeep simcha chest clinic, and a pulmonologist at the redhead lyfe, as well as a consultant pulmonologist at sheffield teaching hospital. He was also a participant and presenter at several cme workshops and seminars associated with the british thoracic society, the european thoracic society, and the respiratory society.
Dr. Methuku narendar Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-methuku-narendar-pulmonologist
Md - pulmonary medicine, mbbs 31 years experience - 400 at clinic
Doctor narendra is a renowned respiratory expert and an intellectual of pulmonary medicine before and during his time as a chest physician and as a professional pulmonologist. He received the md in pulmonary medicine and the mbbs from osmania medical college in hyderabad, making him a well-known physician with clinical skill in the field of pulmonary medicine. ; He treats respiratory disorders including asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, coronary obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. He is a prominent member of the european respiratory society (ers), indian chest society (ics), american thoracic society (ats), nccp (american college of chest physicians), and european society of bronchology and interventional pulmonology (esbip), he attended numerous continuing medical education (cme) workshops and seminars. Dr. Radhika sharma Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-radhika-sharma-pulmonologist
Md - tuberculosis respiratory diseases pulmonary medicine Mbbs 12 years experience - 500 at clinic - 500 online
He is well recognised as a skilled physician and pioneering pulmonologist. He is a doctor who specialises in infectious illnesses and has to have a sharp mind and good recall. Asthma, various allergic respiratory disorders, bronchitis, emphysema, copd, and lung cancer are his areas of expertise as well as a paediatric pulmonologist. He attended the highly acclaimed nanjing medical university for his mbbs in 2010. He earned his md in 2017 from chettinad medical college in tamilnadu, india.
Dr. Raju ch Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-raju-ch-pulmonologist
Mbbs md pulmonary medicine 16 years experience - 400 at clinic
In the medical community, he is well regarded for his knowledge and experience in pulmonary medicine. He graduated with an mbbs from svs medical college in 2006 and an md in pulmonary medicine from mamata medical college of khammam in 2012, establishing him as a specialist with unrivalled knowledge in his area as a chest physician and paediatric pulmonologist. As a member and frequent speaker at fcc and cme workshops and seminars, he is well-known in the indian medical community and among the nccp.
Dr. Arun kanala Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-arun-kanala-pulmonologist
Fellowship in minimal access surgery mch cardio thoracic vascular surgery 14 years experience - 600 at clinic
He is well-respected in the medical community for his expertise as a pulmonologist. Accuracy and precision are necessities in the field of surgical oncology. Asthma and bronchitis are among the examples of the respiratory illnesses he treats. ; He holds a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery from osmania medical college in hyderabad (2010), an mch in cardiothoracic vascular surgery from harvard medical school in the united states (2008), and a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery from the same institution in 2012. He has treated many patients with the utmost care and precision throughout his time as a clinical fellow at brigham women's hospital in boston and a consultant at government chest hospital. A prominent member of the association of thoracic surgeons of the united states. He has also attended various continuing medical education workshops and seminars.
Dr. Sandeep raj bharma Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-sandeep-raj-bharma-pulmonologist ;
Fellowship in pulmonary medicine, fellowship in sleep medicine, md 13 years experience 500 - 700 at clinic 700 online
As an asthma expert and paediatric pulmonologist, he has treated children suffering from a variety of diseases. He has also held positions as a pulmonologist and sleep expert. He is a chest specialist. In 2012, he got his fellowship in pulmonary medicine from christian medical college and hospitals, vellore, where he excelled academically. In 2010, he earned a fellowship in sleep medicine from johns hopkins university. In 2009, he earned his medical degree from kamineni institute of medical sciences, narketpally. He has served as a consultant at hospitals in kamineni. He was awarded a global fellowship in sleep medicine. He plays a significant role in the american college of chest physicians.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Md Moiz Lalani","medicalSpecialty":"Pulmonologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Osteogenesis Imperfecta - Know More About It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a group of genetic disorders that primarily affect the bones, making them extremely weak. It is also known as brittle bones disease . This genetic disease is incurable and the treatment is primarily focused on pacifying the condition by reducing pain and strengthening the bones.
The symptoms of OI include, but are not limited to, recurring fractures, bluish tinge in the white of the eyes, hearing loss, breathing problems, short height, loose joints and dental problems. There is no definitive test for OI but doctors recommend certain scans and DNA testing before confirming their diagnosis.
What Causes Osteogenesis Imperfecta? Osteogenesis Imperfecta is caused by genes that are not functioning properly. These genes can be inherited from one or both of the parents, although there have been cases in which neither parent gives the bad genes. These bad genes inhibit the production and functioning of collagen (the skin s building block); a material found in bones and is responsible for making them strong. Low amounts of collagen lead to the weakening of bones, which get fractured easily or sometimes without any reason at all.
Treatment of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Osteogenesis Imperfecta is an incurable disease. The treatment for this disease focuses on reducing the pain and strengthening the bones of the patient so that he/she may lead a somewhat normal life. The treatment of OI depends on how severe it is. There are 8 types of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Types 2, 3, 7 and 8 are considered severe while types 4, 5 and 6 are considered moderate. Type 1 is considered to be the least severe. The treatment includes:
The drug Bisphosphonate can be used to increase bone mass and reduce bone pain and fracture. Surgery can be carried out to improve the bone structure. Surgery can also be used to insert metal rods in the long bones in order to strengthen them. Physiotherapy can be used to increase bone and muscle strength and also to improve mobility.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rohan Jain","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"CT Angiography Of Brain - Know Merits Of It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"A brain computed tomography angiography (CTA) is a specialized neurologic CT scan, and it involves fast CT imaging while simultaneously injecting IV contrast into a vein in the arm. This procedure allows visualization of the specific vascular anatomy of the organs in the body. It can also be used to evaluate vessels or plan a surgery. Mostly it is used to identify a small aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation (abnormal communications between blood vessels) inside the brain.
A patient can expect the following things during the brain CTA examination: The patient is asked to lie on the examination table. If contrast is used, an automatic injection pump connected intravenously will release the contrast material at a controlled rate. Although the movement of the table occurs slowly at first, it gains rapid momentum when the actual CTA is performed. The patient may be asked to hold his/her breath during the scanning. Any motion in the form of breathing or body movements can lead to artifacts on the images. The entire CTA exam may be completed within a few seconds. However, the patient s actual time in the room may be long. This delay can occur as the technologist takes his/her time to position the patient on the table, check or place an IV line, do preliminary imaging to verify the beginning and end points of the exam, and set up the scan and contrast injection settings based on the part of the body being imaged.
Benefits of brain CTA include the following:
The need for surgery may be eliminated by angiography; however if surgery remains necessary, it can be performed with much accuracy because of brain CTA findings. As the CTA is able to detect the obstruction of blood vessels, it allows for potentially corrective therapy. The CTA may give precise anatomic detail than a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly in cases of small blood vessels. The CTA is faster, noninvasive, and has lesser complications than catheter angiography, which involves placing a catheter (plastic tube), (usually at the groin) into the patients major blood vessels and injecting a contrast material along with probable sedation or general anesthesia. The CTA examination costs lesser than catheter angiography.No radiation remains in a patient's body after a CTA examination. Risk factors for brain CTA
A small chance of cancer from excessive exposure to radiation History of allergy to X-ray contrast material Risk for kidney failure, as the contrast material could potentially further damage the kidney function in patients with pre-existing kidney disease.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Nitin Jagdhane (Jain)","medicalSpecialty":"Neurosurgeon","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Homoeopathic Treatment Of Cervical Spondylosis (Cervical Osteoarthritis)!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"What is cervical spondylosis (cervical osteoarthritis)?
Cervical spondylosis is also known as osteoarthritis of cervical spine (neck). This is age related wear and tear of the discs, bones and joints of the neck. As the discs dehydrate and shrink with age, bony spicules start to appear along the edges of bones. Also the discs of cervical spine gradually break down and start losing fluid causing stiffness. Thus signs of osteoarthritis start to appear.
Risk factors:
Age: cervical spondylosis is a normal part of aging. More than 85% of people older than age 60 years are affected by cervical spondylosis. Smoking: is related to increased risk of development of neck pain. Genes: family history increases risk of development of neck pain. Occupation: cervical spondylosis is seen more in people who have computer jobs or jobs which require repetitive movement of neck. Neck injury: injuries to the neck in past predisposes to spondylosis also. Complications:
Due to compression of nerve or spinal cord in cervical spondylosis, there could be permanent damage as well.
Symptoms and causes Symptoms: Usually, people experience no symptoms but when symptoms appear then they are pain and stiffness of neck. Further symptoms doesn t appear unless there is nerve compression or there is narrowing of the space for spinal cord. If the nerve roots or spinal cord is compressed then there would be following symptoms:
Tingling along with numbness in arms, hands, legs or feet. Weakness is also felt in arms, legs or feet due nerve compression. Walking can also be impaired. Lack of coordination. Loss of bowel control or bladder control. Causes: Due to aging, there is wear and tear of the cartilage and bones of the spine of neck. Due to this wear and tear there is dehydration of the disc which acts like cushion between vertebrae of the spine. Due to drying up go th cushiony disc there is bone to bone contact causing pain and stiffness.
Diagnosis & treatment Diagnosis:
Physical examination for checking the range of movement of neck, gait, reflexes and muscle strength. Neck x-ray: x-ray of neck would reveal bone growth (spurs). Ct scan: would give detailed image of the neck. Treatment:
Conventional treatment includes pain relieving with nsaids, corticosteroids, muscle relaxants so that patient can be relieved with pain and stiffness. Surgery can also be performed for removing the herniated disc or bone growth (spur). Therapy can also be given which includes exercises to help stretch and strengthen the muscles of neck and shoulders. Traction can also be given to patients to help relieving symptoms of nerve compression. Management
Regular exercise: by doing regular exercise there would be rapid recovery in the symptoms of stiffness and pain. Improving the posture: people who have computer job should improve their posture while sitting at work and should take break after small intervals. Heat or ice packs: would help in relieving pain and stiffness Neck support: would help in giving rest to the neck muscles. Homeopathic management Since conventional medicines doesn t provide full relief in symptoms and have side effects of their own, homeopathy is an alternative method of helping people having cervical spondylosis. Homeopathy would not only help in relieving the symptoms but would also help in catching the disease at the current situation. Various medicines are available for cervical spondylosis like silicea, natrum mur, bryonia, pulsatilla etc which can be given for the condition but should be taken only when prescribed by a homeopath.
Do s & don ts Do s
Exercise regularly. Apply heat or cold pack. Swimming would also help as it stretches the ligaments. Do stretching regularly. Do neck specific exercises. Wear soft neck support. Rectify your posture. Don ts
Don t wait of exaggeration of symptoms. Don t strain on neck. Don t sit for long hours in front of computer. ","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Jyoti Singh","medicalSpecialty":"Homeopathy Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Cervical Spondylosis - How To Handle It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The difficulties associated with cervical spondylosis go far beyond spelling it correctly! The problem of cervical spondylosis can be extremely painful making it difficult to sit or walk. As if cervical spondylosis alone was not enough to put up with, it can often be accompanied by headache. Bone spurs can be said to be a rather unusual phenomena but they can be one of the causes of cervical spondylosis is quite a few cases. This occurs when an extra bone grows to make the body stronger.
What causes cervical spondylosis? While the causes of cervical spondylosis may vary, few causes are just as direct as injury is. A fall, or an accident can hasten the process of ageing and bring on cervical spondylosis sooner than what would have been usual. Sometimes, the nature of work can also lead to cervical spondylosis, as is the case with a lot of construction workers who suffer from it. Generally, as a person gets older, he or she can expect to suffer from cervical spondylosis. As a matter of fact, it affects about eighty five per cent of people over the age of sixty! One good thing though is the fact that only in certain, chronic cases is the condition life-altering, as most people are able to get on with their normal lives after taking some measures.
How to treat it? In order to ease the pain, it is a good option to make use of some muscle relaxants, which can go a long way. Also, in case the pain is really bad, there are steroid injections which are available which reduce the tissue inflammation. For this same purpose, a person suffering can also make use of a narcotic such as hydrocodone. One solution which usually is not required in the case of cervical spondylosis is surgery. The surgeries for the issue are usually to correct the form of the bone structure, basically to remove spurs and create more room. However, doctors usually recommend this sort of solution when the pain is excruciating and persistent in nature.
Usually, muscles of those who suffer due to cervical spondylosis can get very sore. A simple but also a surprisingly effective remedy for this is to use a heating pack or a cold gel pack on one s neck. Shot in the arm solution and a neck brace can an effective temporary solution. However, wearing a neck brace for too long can lead to weaker muscles, which will worsen the problem.
Cervical spondylosis is essentially a pain in the neck, but it is a manageable one!","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rakesh Kumar","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Radiotherapy To Deal With Cancer - Know How Vital It Is!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The branch of medicine dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer is called oncology. The subdivisions of oncology include medical oncology, radiation oncology and surgical oncology. Cancer is an umbrella term for a group of diseases which involves abnormal cell growth causing potential invasion to other parts of the body and the branch of science dealing with the treatment of cancer is oncology.
Radiotherapy- Radiotherapy is a kind of cancer treatment which involves the use of high energy rays, such as X-rays or rays of electrons to treat the disease. In this therapy, the cancer cells are destroyed using these rays. Normal cells along with the cancerous cells also get destroyed due to exposure to the strong rays. However, normal cells can restore themselves but cancerous cells cannot. Radiotherapy is planned very carefully to avoid the damage to as many healthy tissues as possible. However, damage to some healthy tissues is inevitable, which is the major side effect of this treatment.
Usage of Radiotherapy- A lot of patients with cancer have radiotherapy as a part of their cancer treatment. The reasons behind using radiotherapy could be-
Curative reason- radiotherapy is suggested with the aim of destroying a certain tumor and thus curing cancer with it. This is also known as radical treatment. Palliative reason- radiotherapy is recommended to the patients when there is no possible way to cure cancer, but with this treatment. The further growth of the tumor can be controlled or the various symptoms such as pain or coughing can be relieved. Ways of Radiotherapy Treatment- There are two ways in which radiotherapy is commonly given-
The radiotherapy which is given from outside the body is known as external beam radiotherapy. The radiotherapy given using a material that is placed inside the body is called internal radiotherapy. The type of radiotherapy to be given to the patient depends on the type of cancer the patient has and the body part which is affected by it. Some cancers require both external and internal radiotherapy.
Chemo-Radiation- In certain situations, chemotherapy is required to be given to the patients along with radiotherapy. This is called chemoradiotherapy or chemoradiation. Chemotherapy basically uses anti-cancer drugs which make the cancerous cells more sensitive to radiotherapy, thereby enhancing the treatment process. However, both these therapies are very powerful, each with their own side effects. Hence, chemoradiation can sometimes have worse side effects.
Technological Advances-
IMRT: Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a new technology in radiation oncology that delivers radiation more precisely to the tumor while relatively sparing the surrounding normal tissues. IMRT is being used most extensively to treat cancers of the prostate, head and neck, and central nervous system. IMRT has also been used in limited situations to treat breast, thyroid, lung, as well as in gastrointestinal, gynecologic malignancies and certain types of sarcomas. IMRT may also be beneficial for treating pediatric malignancies. IGRT: Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) is the use of imaging during radiation therapy to improve the precision and accuracy of treatment delivery. IGRT is used to treat tumors in areas of the body that move, such as the lungs. Radiation therapy machines are equipped with imaging technology to allow your doctor to image the tumor before and during treatment. By comparing these images to the reference images taken during simulation, the patient s position and/or the radiation beams may be adjusted to more precisely target the radiation dose to the tumor. Stereotactic radiation therapy is mainly used to treat small brain tumors that are either malignant or benign. It is used to treat: Tumors deep within the brain: Tumours that are hard to reach or that cannot be removed by surgery because doing so would damage too much normal brain tissue A recurrence or metastasis in the brain Stereotactic radiation may also be used to give an additional dose of radiation (boost) to the brain after conventional external beam radiation therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells. This is just the basic overview of radiotherapy. One important thing that should be kept in mind is that radiotherapy treatments are planned depending on the condition of the patient. So even if two individuals suffer from the same type of cancer, the radiotherapy treatments might be different.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Neha Patel","medicalSpecialty":"Oncologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Age Related Macular Degeneration - How To Diagnose It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Age-related macular degeneration, also known in brief as AMD or ARMD is one of the most common age-related causes for vision loss. It causes blind spots in vision, causing difficulty in activities requiring central vision like reading, sewing, driving, watching TV, computer usage, etc.
How it happens?
The centre portion of the eye is known as retina which has a screen in the posterior portion. For proper vision, light falls on this screen and is then processed to enable vision. When this screen is not clear, blurred vision results. It may not cause total blindness but impairs vision including double vision and loss of central vision.
Types: There are two types of AMD, wet and dry.
Dry: There are yellow deposits known as drusen which form in the macula, and as they grow in size, they impair vision, specifically the central vision. This is the common variant and can lead to the wet form. Wet: There are abnormal blood vessels which are formed in the retina. There is leaking of blood and fluid which makes it wet. There could be scarring of these leaked substances, which again leads to loss of central vision. Further studies have shown that retina produces a protein knows as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) which promotes the generation of new blood vessels, normally required for the production of new blood vessels. However, increased VEGF causes excessive proliferation of blood vessels, leading to macular degeneration. Risk factors: Though age related, there are definitely some factors which put one at a higher risk for AMD
Genetics: AMD is hereditary and runs in families Gender: Females are more prone to develop AMD than males Ageing: People above 60 are at greater risk Smoking: Direct and passive smoking contributes to AMD. Obesity: Accelerates the pace of AMD and the severity of complications. Hypertension: Increases the chances of developing AMD Ethnicity: Caucasians are more prone to develop AMD as their lighter skin and eye color is more prone to sun damage Sun exposure: Increased sun exposure accelerates the onset of AMD Symptoms:
No symptoms in the initial stages Gradually, there is impaired central vision, affecting activities like reading, driving, and computer usage Color perception is impaired Diagnosis:
A routine eye exam will reveal the yellow deposits which actually cause the condition. An angiography may be done after injecting a dye to detect blood vessel growth. Treatment:
There is no cure, but progress can be delayed
Anti-angiotensin agents reduce pressure in the eyes and stop the development of newer blood vessels Vitamins help slow down loss of vision Vision aids to correct vision","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Vrij Bhushan","medicalSpecialty":"Ophthalmologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Treating Cervical Spondylosis (Osteoarthritis) Through Physiotherapy!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Treating Cervical Spondylosis (Osteoarthritis):
Cervical osteoarthritis is also known as cervical spondylosis. It is a medical condition which involves changes in the joints, bones and discs of neck area. This is generally caused due to the degenerative changes in the bones and muscles owing to old age. With age, the discs present between the vertebrae tend to breaks down and loses all its fluids. This leads to stiffness in the spine. It occurs usually in middle-aged and old aged people. It may sometime also be caused due to abnormal loading or wrong postures of the spine. This causes stiffness and severe neck pain. Physiotherapy is the safest way of reducing pain and stiffness associated with cervical osteoarthritis.
Symptoms of Cervical Osteoarthritis:
1. Pain and stiffness in the neck.
2. Headache which usually emerges from the neck.
3. Severe pain in the arms and shoulder.
4. Not being able to turn the head or neck fully while driving.
5. Muscle spasm.
6. Grinding sensation or noise caused while bending the neck.
Cervical Osteoarthritis can be cured in the following ways:
1. Heat modalities - In this method, the pain and stiffness are reduced by putting heat on the affected area. This type of therapy is called heat therapy.
2. Electro modalities like IFT, TENS can also help in pain reduction and muscle relaxation.
3. Neck exercise - Regular stretching and strengthening exercises for the neck can reduce pain and stiffness.
4. Manipulating therapy - A physiotherapist may identify and manipulate the joints so that the muscles can function smoothly.
5. Hydrotherapy - This therapy involves exercising in a pool. Hydrotherapy is extremely beneficial for people having severe joint pain and stiffness.
6. Cervical traction - This is a common non-surgical treatment which cures pain in the neck by opening the cervical foramen (hole or passage).
Physiotherapy is the most natural and safe way of treating cervical osteoarthritis. If you are diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, you should start physiotherapy as soon as possible.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab","medicalSpecialty":"Physiotherapist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Cervical Spondylosis - Best Ways To Treat It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Cervical spondylosis is fast becoming the bane of modern life. An age-related wear and tear problem affecting the spinal discs in your neck, cervical spondylosis is increasingly affecting the young because of the use of cell phones, laptops and the like.
Cervical spondylosis is a general term used to define shrinkage of discs in between vertebrae in the neck region. Along with disc degeneration, bony projections also form in the area and are called bone spurs. Other causes of cervical spondylosis are dehydrated discs. Discs are thick, pad-like cushions in between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers. They are made of a gel- like material that can dry over time. This causes the spinal vertebrae to rub together causing pain. The discs also crack which allows the internal gel-like material to spill out and impinge on spinal nerves causing symptoms.
There is a narrowing of the space required by the spinal cord and nerves that emanate in the upper spine to go to various parts of the body. Pinching of these nerves can cause alarming symptoms like
Numbness and weakness in your arms, hands, legs and feet Lack of coordination and difficulty in walking Loss of bladder or bowel movement Stiffness and pain in neck Treatment and management Usually, cervical spondylosis doesn t cause any symptoms. But when you start experiencing pain, stiffness and weakness of muscles, it s best to go to a doctor who will diagnose the problem and then treat it. Treatment for cervical spondylosis depends on the severity of your symptoms. Its goal is to get rid of pain, allow you to carry on your daily activities and prevent any permanent damage to your spinal cord and nerves.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. Example Ibuprofen. Corticosteroids are oral medications to get rid of the severe pain. If these don t work, your doctor can suggest steroid injections. Muscle relaxants medicines relax the muscles in the upper part of the spine and help in curing neck pain and stiffness Anti-seizure medications are also prescribed to dull the pain of damaged nerves in the spine. These include epilepsy medications, such as gabapentin and pregabalin. Physiotherapy
Non surgical treatments are usually very effective in treating cervical spondylosis and surgery is usually not required. Physiotherapy is a bulwark for patients as it helps manage the condition very well. Neck exercises that help stretch and strengthen muscles in your neck and shoulders can help manage debilitating symptoms of cervical spondylosis. Few patients also benefit from traction, which can help provide more space for nerve roots within the spine. Surgery
Surgery is the last resort for treating cervical spondylosis. It is suggested when non-surgical treatments fail and the pain and neurological signs such as weakness in your arms or legs get worse. It is done to create more room for your spinal cord and nerve roots. Cervical spondylosis surgery typically involves removing:
Herniated disk Bone spurs Part of a vertebra","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Himanshu Gupta","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Cervical Spondylosis - How Homeopathy Can Take Care Of It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Cervical spondylosis is a disorder that affects the joints and disc around the cervical region or neck. Earlier, it was believed that spondylosis can occur in old people only and is an age-related disorder. However, it is not true nowadays. Today, even youngsters complain of pain in the neck region due to cervical spondylosis. It occurs mostly to people who spend longer hours sitting and working on the computer. It is caused due to damage of cartilage and bones in this region. Symptoms of cervical spondylosis include chronic pain and stiffness around the neck.
Causes for Cervical Spondylosis-
A number of factors can be responsible for cervical spondylosis. Following are the common causes for the disorder:
1. Overgrowth of bones in the neck region: This can hamper the sensitive areas around the spine.
2. Drying of fluid: The spinal bone is made up of disc-like structures. There is fluid present in between the disks. Spondylosis is often caused due to the drying up of this fluid.
3. Herinated disks: In some cases, cracks get developed on the disks. This causes leakage of fluid in between them. Consequently, the nerves in this region get damaged.
4. Injury: If you have had an injury to your neck, such as during a fall or car accident, this can accelerate the aging process.
Homeopathic Medicines to Cure Cervical Spondylosis-
There are homeopathic medicines, which can cure cervical spondylosis over a period of time. However, the dosage of these medicines must be administered properly to get rid of the disorder. Some of these useful medicines have been listed below:
1. Conium: This medicine is prescribed for patients suffering from vertigo. If a patient feels pain or vertigo while turning the head sideways or lying down on bed, this medicine can prove helpful. Other symptoms that should be taken into account while prescribing this drug include feeling of tightness in the temporal region and pain in occipital area.
2. Gelsemium: If the pain in the neck region extends to the back of the head, one may be given doses of Gelsemium. The patient complains of having the pain at the centre of the occipital region. Besides, the patient will feel inactive, dull and dizzy most of the times.
3. Kalmia Latifolia: This is given when the pain spreads up to the arm region and fingers. The pain can also be felt around the shoulder blades. The patient suffers from frequent nausea. The pain increases when the patient tries to look down.
4. Silicea: When the pain is felt on the eyes or forehead, this medicine is prescribed. It is also useful in treating spine curvature. These patients cannot adjust to cold weather. They feel chilly most of the times. The get quick relief by warm fomentation.
5. Calcarea Phos: This is useful for treating patients who have developed spondylosis due to the overgrowth of bones in the cervical region or bone spurs.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Atul Kundalia","medicalSpecialty":"Homeopathy Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
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Homeopathy Doctor•Delhi
What is cervical spondylosis (cervical osteoarthritis)?
Cervical spondylosis is also known as osteoarthritis of cervical spine (neck). This is age related wear and tear of the discs, bones and joints of the neck. As the discs dehydrate and shrink with age, bony spicules start to appear along the edges of bones. Also the discs of cervical spine gradually break down and start losing fluid causing stiffness. Thus signs of osteoarthritis start to appear.
The difficulties associated with cervical spondylosis go far beyond spelling it correctly! The problem of cervical spondylosis can be extremely painful making it difficult to sit or walk. As if cervical spondylosis alone was not enough to put up with, it can often be accompanied by headache. Bone spurs can be said to be a rather unusual phenomena but they can be one of the causes of cervical spondylosis is quite a few cases. This occurs when an extra bone grows to make the body stronger. more
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Cervical osteoarthritis is also known as cervical spondylosis. It is a medical condition which involves changes in the joints, bones and discs of neck area. This is generally caused due to the degenerative changes in the bones and muscles owing to old age. With age, the discs present between the vertebrae tend to breaks down and loses all its fluids. This leads to stiffness in the spine. It occurs usually in middle-aged and old aged people...more
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Orthopedic Doctor•Gurgaon
Cervical spondylosis is fast becoming the bane of modern life. An age-related wear and tear problem affecting the spinal discs in your neck, cervical spondylosis is increasingly affecting the young because of the use of cell phones, laptops and the like.
Cervical spondylosis is a general term used to define shrinkage of discs in between vertebrae in the neck region. Along with disc degeneration, bony projections also form in the area and are called bone spurs. Other causes of cervic...more
Cervical spondylosis is a disorder that affects the joints and disc around the cervical region or neck. Earlier, it was believed that spondylosis can occur in old people only and is an age-related disorder. However, it is not true nowadays. Today, even youngsters complain of pain in the neck region due to cervical spondylosis. It occurs mostly to people who spend longer hours sitting and working on the computer. It is caused due to damage of cartilage and bones in this region. Symptoms of cervic...more
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