Traditional Acupuncture & Acupressure - How Can It Increase The Scope Of IVF Success?
Providing three stages of IVF support through Acupuncture and Acupressure and this supports for the maximum chances of pregnancy and healthy baby formation (reducing failures) without side effects. The stages are follicle maturity support, uterus inner layer (endometrium) support and Healthy Baby development.
Stage I - Follicle Maturity Support: When the follicles are matured (determined by ultrasound measurements of follicle size and hormone measurements), the egg aspiration procedure has to be done to take the eggs out. About 15 to 20 mm diameter is generally considering a "mature" follicle. it is very innovative supportive treatment, which is entirely positive and helpful to overcome complication in egg maturation and increase the number of follicles formation. By obtaining this treatment, usage of donor egg can be avoided and also maximize the chances of own follicle development without side effects.
Stage II - Endometrium Preparation: It is the stage of uterus inner layer preparation. Normal complication and failure occur during endometrium bed formation, which must be between 7 and 14 mm and to be “triple-lined” in the ultrasound scan. Nonetheless, in certain cases it can be very difficult to achieve. By another innovative method, the formation of endometrium (ranges from 7 mm to 14 mm) can be achieved within the time limit and assurance for safety and no side effect.
Stage III - Healthy Baby Development: Apart from IVF normal procedure, healer formulated some important points to avoid pregnancy complication, it is a most innovative and useful procedure for new born, by avoiding genetically carrying health problems like Diabetes, primary complex, over weight etc. At this stage the Embryo development reachs full maturity and avoid genetically transmitted health problems.
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