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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Treating Peptic Ulcers With Homeopathy

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Dr. Sumit DhawanHomeopathy Doctor • 20 Years Exp.BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
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One of the most common problems with the gastrointestinal system, peptic ulcers occur when the lining of the stomach - the esophagus or the small intestines, gets damaged. The damage occurs due to the development of sores on the lining which may be due to inflammation caused by certain bacteria, or due to erosion caused by the stomach acids. This can be a very painful disorder and end up severely limiting your life. Peptic ulcers can cause intense abdominal pain, vomiting nausea, indigestion and sudden unexplained weight loss.

The Homeopathic Approach to Curing Peptic Ulcers

The treatment of peptic ulcers in conventional medicine primarily revolves around the treatment of symptoms. The symptoms may be suppressed for some time but eventually come back sooner or later. This results in a vicious cycle where the treatment becomes less and less effective over time. Homeopathy, on the other hand, has an approach of trying to correct the problems from the root and over time, remove the very cause that results in the problem. Some of the things a homeopathic doctor may ask you would include –

  1. Family history of ulcers
  2. General health history of the family to determine hereditary health problems
  3. Physical characteristics
  4. Psychological tendencies and likes and dislikes among other information

Homeopathy takes into account not just the symptoms but the general constitution of the patient as well. This helps not only cure the ulcers but also the pre disposition to developing it again.

Effective Homeopathic Medications

Some of the most effective homeopathic medications used in the treatment of peptic ulcers are mentioned below. However, you shouldn’t try to self-medicate as it is best to consult with a doctor who can properly diagnose the problems and prescribe medication which are specifically tailored for you.

  1. Argentum Nitricum – One of the most effective medication in treating ulcers, Argentum Nitricum is usually prescribed when you experience sharp burning pains from peptic ulcers that radiate to different area of the abdomen. The pain is akin to the feeling of gnawing inside the stomach. Other symptoms such as vomiting, belching and nausea may also be present.
  2. Nux Vomica – If you have peptic ulcers and even eating the slightest amount of food causes pain, then Nux vomica may be a good option and thus be prescribed by your doctor. Another indication in such cases is where the abdominal region is very sensitive and you may feel pain even with the slightest touch. Nux Vomica is also very effective if your peptic ulcer symptoms tend to get worse after the consumption of tea, coffee, spicy foods or alcoholic beverages.
  3. Kali Bichromicum – Sometimes, peptic ulcers may cause the food in your stomach to sit like a heavy load immediately after meals. This can make you very uncomfortable and unable to do any other form of work. This is often times accompanied by a low appetite. In such cases, Kali Bichromicum has been seen to work wonders.
  4. Lycopodium Clavatum – If you have burning pain in your stomach along with the bloating of your abdomen, then Lycopodium Clavatum is the best medication for you. Other indications for this medication are when ingestion of warm water helps relieve pain. If consuming certain vegetables such as cabbage and beans worsens the situation, then Lycopodium Clavatum could be the best medication in such a case.
  5. Carbo-veg – An all-rounder in the field of homeopathy, Carbo-Veg is also effective when treating peptic ulcers which are accompanied by heartburn and acidity as well as sour belching. The pain from the ulcers may extend from the stomach all the way to the back. Other indication wherein Carbo-Veg may be effective is where the stomach area becomes very sensitive to touch and even small amounts of food may suddenly cause the symptoms to deteriorate.
  6. Hydrastis Canadensis – Stomach or abdominal pain accompanied by weight loss is one of the major indications where this medication may be prescribed. The patient may become emaciated and have sharp cutting pains in the stomach. In such cases, Hydrastis has been seen to be very effective.
  7. Graphites – This medication is extremely useful where along with the ulcer pain, you may end up vomiting your food immediately after a meal. A sensation which is painful and constrictive may be present in your stomach. Along with these symptoms, Graphites are also very effective when you suffer from excessive belching.
  8. PhosphorusIf you exhibit typical symptoms of peptic ulcer such as sour belching and a burning sensation in the stomach after eating, Phosphorus could well be the panacea. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a homeopath.