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Interstitial Lung Disease Health Feed

Last Updated: 1 year ago• Featured Tip
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DM - Pulmonary Med. & Critical Care more

Chronic respiratory diseases like bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, copd, sarcoidosis and interstitial lung disease are vulnerable to repeated infections and multiple hospital visits or admission.

The main reasons for the increased susceptibility is altered lung defence, use of steroids in various respiratory conditions and multiple comorbidities like diabetes and coronary disease.

Patients should ideally be vaccinated for pneumococcal and influenza disease routinely.
Asked for male, 63 years old from Gorakhpur
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MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS, DNB ( more

No use of homeopathy medicines in ild seriously trust me they may contain steroids as well like prednisolone
can you let me know whether you have uip ild nsip connective tissue ild from ra or sle or sjogrens.
35 people found this helpful
Health Query

My father 87 year old have been hospitalized in new jersey usa for 43 days now with interstitial lung disease. Principal problem: pneumonia of left lower lobe due to infectious organism active problems: acute calculus cholecystitis interstitial lung disease (hcc) left bundle branch block acute on chronic respiratory failure with hypoxia (hcc) paroxysmal a-fib (hcc) currently on 4 l oxygen nasal cannula patient currently in steroid prednisone 30 mg and mepron and cefepime iv antibiotics. Recent x-ray shows worsening of lung condition all lobe impacted. Following this website I am giving him beryllium and silicea alongside the hospital’s alopathic treatment. I only go to hospital once in the evening, giving him 5 pallets of beryllium 30c and 3 pallets of silicea 30c one hour apart in the evening. I am not sure if I am giving him right amount. Requesting direction on the appropriate doses (also if any other meds and doses are suggested) for the acute stage of ild, again I am only able to go to the hospital once in the evening so only can give homeopathy medicine once a day.

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MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS

Allopathic treatment includes antibiotics and iv steroids in a tapering dose as mentioned by you above to reduce the acute exacerbation.
Rest if the ild is uip pattern then it is not reversible and if it fibrotic nsip only the ggos which may have occurred now can be reversible. Rest is irreversible.
Please check whether it is uip or nsip on cect thorax.
Secondly ild is lung debilitating condition ultimately any amount of medicines just improves exacerbation and also will prevent furt...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS, MD - Pulmonary Medicine

We occasionally take our lungs for granted. They keep us healthy and well, and we don't have to ponder about them much. This is why it is critical and advised to prioritize your lung health.

Our body has a built-in defensive mechanism intended to keep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. However, there are several critical steps you may take to reduce your chance of lung illness. Scroll down and look at some useful tips to take care of your lungs in a better and healthier way...more
1317 people found this helpful
Health Query

Icchyosis my father has been diagnosed with mild ild, ipf. Gerd. Pulmonologist in bangalore Dr. Br ramesh had prescribed pirfenex cipla tablet. Recently changed to acebrophylline 100 mg. Reason: he was not eating well. He has oxygen at home and also checks oxygen level with oximeter. Questions: 1. Are there any trials or cures better in homeopathy than allopathy? 2. What is the best way to control cough and also maintain his appetite? 3. He is eating little by little multiple times. Is this the way this condition works? 4. He was in america and had gone through multiple sets of tests, ct scans, blood tests, x-rays and was never told by the doctors that he has mild ild, ipf - lung scarring. After going back to india a year back he was told this diagnosis. 5. Are there any stem cell therapy or treatment available? 6. He is complaining about “dum chandna” or shortness of breath and not able to walk properly. 7. What is the best course of treatment? 8. Can he take allopathy and homeopathy medicines? Deriphyllin 150 mg for dama b-complex multivitamins homeopathy medicines sometimes acebroohylline 100 mg.

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MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS Bachelor more

Dear Mr. lybrate-user, perfinidone is the mainstay treatment. In this condition, lung becomes like rope fibres, the size of the lungs reduces and hence there is difficulty in breathing (dam chadna) and cough is present. The above medication will halt the disease and prevents progress. Sadly no medicines available til now to reverse it. The only answer to this disease is lung transplantation. You can check few ipf groups on facebook. U can get few answers. There are trials going on, but the medic...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS, MD - Respiratory Medicine , more

Interstitial lung disease is an umbrella term that includes a number of conditions that causes scarring of the tissues of the lungs. This scarring can hamper your breathing and therefore cause less oxygen to be present in your blood.

When you are exposed to hazardous materials like asbestos for long periods, you can get interstitial lung disease. Even autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis can result in this condition.

Once the tissues of your lungs are scarred, chanc...more
Asked for male, 41 years old from Guwahati
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor more

Pulmonary Function Tests or PFTs are a set of tests that are used to determine, measure or observe the functioning of the lungs. The most common pulmonary function tests used are spirometry, gas diffusion, and lung plethysmography.

Highlights of pulmonary function tests

A spirometry test is used to measure the amount of air inhaled and exhaled. It also measures the amount of time taken to complete a respiration cycle.
Lung plethysmography measures the amount of air in the l...more
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