Last Updated: Jan 04, 2022
Paint thinner is a solvent used to remove oil-based paints from rollers, brushes, and surfaces. Paint thinner is having many usages which save our money. Here, let us discuss how paint thinner becomes an addiction. What can be the possible causes of paint thinner addiction? Basically, paint thinner comes under the category of inhalants. Inhalants are those products that cause a person to feel intoxicated if inhaled. The two main components of paint thinners are toluene and xylene.
These are also found in spray paints and model glues. The inhalation of paint thinner gives the same effect as alcohol consumption. The response of the human brain to toluene and xylene is similar to that of alcohol. ‘Bagging’ is the way of intake of the fumes or smoke or smell of something through a bag so that the outside air is not inhaled. Bagging is the most common way of using paint thinners as a drug. This leads to the contamination of hydrocarbons in the lungs of a human body and makes you sick and causes other respiratory diseases even death. Paint thinners are toxic chemicals.
Many youngsters are using this as a substitute for various other drugs because it is legal and very easy to buy. Paint thinner addiction can cause anemia, leukemia as well as the death of a person.
Paint thinner, which is grouped under the category of inhalants, is a very dangerous chemical and can cause very serious problems if inhaled. The main causes of paint thinner addiction are:
According to a recent study from the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, workers exposed to paint, glue, or degreaser fumes may have cognitive difficulties such as memory loss in retirement.
Repeated and chronic occupational overexposure to solvents has been linked to lifelong brain and nervous system damage, according to reports. Intentional usage, such as focusing and inhaling the contents, could be dangerous or lethal.
Summary: Paint thinner can actually result in memory loss. Many types of research have suggested that workers exposed to thinner or fumes may experience cognitive difficulties or lifelong nervous system damage.
Lead poisoning and changes in brain chemistry can be caused by inhaling or ingesting these fumes and paint chips over time. When the brain is exposed to too many paint fumes, brain cells die and regular brain activity is disrupted.
Summary: Paint thinner is often used for several purposes. Thinner sniffing can harm the brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, and reproductive system. Studies have shown that Intentional usage, such as focusing and inhaling the contents, could be dangerous or lethal.
The studies show that the people who experiment with inhalants like paint thinners die in the very first attempt itself. There will be some symptoms if someone is affected by paint thinner addiction. It is as follows:
Suffocation: Like the other airborne diseases, inhalation of paint thinner creates difficulty in breathing. Continuous usage of paint thinner as a drug can lead to more suffocation and even death.
The treatment of paint thinner addiction is very important as the chance of occurrence of death is possible. Usage of paint thinner for any useless purpose, that is, using paint thinner as a drug put a question mark in your life. Seeking medical help will be the best thing you could do if you found someone inhaling or consuming paint thinner. It is recommended not to empty the victim’s stomach if the type of hydrocarbon present in the paint thinner is not likely to cause damage throughout the body. This precaution is taken to prevent the risk of inhaling the hydrocarbon. It is sure that inhalation of paint thinner will create respiratory problems in the victim’s/ addict’s body. This condition may become worse as the days pass. Oximetry test is to be done to measure the oxygenation in the blood. It also helps to assess the level of damage to lungs.
Paint thinner addiction is now found more in the youngsters. A person may use it with an intention of just trying it once. But it provokes the person to use more and more and make the person an addict of it. This is generally in the case of drugs. There are some preventive measures to be taken to avoid the use of paint thinner as a drug. They are:
Chemical mixtures used as industrial solvents are known as thinners. Thinner can be ingested by humans through occupational exposure or purposeful inhalation misuse. Thinner sniffing can harm the brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, and reproductive system.
The other side effects of paint thinner are Dizziness, headaches, moist eyes, eye irritation, weakness, nausea, muscular spasms, and central nervous system depression. Convulsions, coma, and death may result from severe overexposure.
Summary: Inhalation of paint thinner can put the brain, kidney, liver, lungs, and reproductive organs in danger.
A person who has been continuously using the paint thinner or any inhalants may suffer from psychological withdrawal issues. Physical withdrawal symptoms are not commonly found. The symptoms of withdrawal can be seen immediately after 6 hours of withdrawal. Hallucinations or delusions are also common after the withdrawal of paint thinner addiction. It is very important to contact the physician if the withdrawal symptoms are more. Lack of enough sleep is also possible to happen due to the sudden stoppage of thinner inhalation. Hence, the paint thinner addiction should be avoided in the initial stage itself and the victim should be handled carefully.
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