Why Should You Say Goodbye To Junk Food?
Your hangouts with your loved ones more often than not are determined by the locales. And, when I say locales, in the modern urban context, flamboyant or not quite fancy cafes and eateries dominate your imagination. One of the most brazen consequences of such hangouts is the increased consumption of junk and oily food. In fact, for many of us, the idea of good times is inextricably linked to consumption of good food which inevitably reads as junk food. Junk food craving is something we are all culpable of. While most of us know about the health implications that junk food entails, we usually choose to elide over them for the sake of our hunger pangs. However, there are certain ailments that accrue from the intake of junk foods and which, if neglected, can lead to certain grave consequences.
Causes Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in the contemporary times. Affecting people from all age groups, diabetes has assumed almost an epidemic stature. Junk food consumption is one of the most blaring causes of diabetes. These kind of foods are not only deficient in fibers but also the heavy oil content of the junk food misbalances your metabolism and spurs off other medical conditions like obesity.
Increases the chances of digestive malfunctions
Since the junk foods are usually fried in oil and are brimming with fats, they are most suited to disrupt the normalcy in the process of digestion. As they get deposited on the linings of the stomach walls, the production of acid gets increased, leading to diseases like GERD and IBS.
Causes kidney diseases
Junk food addition is a scientifically proven vicious cycle. Most junk foods contain finely processed salts which stimulate enzymes, which turn disrupt the salt balance in your body. This results in a situation of hypertension in the body and affects the kidney functioning to a large extent.
Increases the risk of heart diseases
Junk foods are extremely rich in Trans fats which spike up the cholesterol levels in your blood. This excess potentially raises the risk of inflammation in the blood vessels and emerge as chronic threats to the normal functioning of the heart.
Leads to depression
Statistically, the largest proportion of junk food consumers is between the ages of 12 to 35. Consequently, this age group is also susceptible to the most rancid hormonal imbalances. Junk food, injects an abnormal quantity of salts in the body, thus affecting the hormonal levels. This makes them vulnerable to depressions and mood swings.
Memory and Learning Problems
Junk food rich in sugar & fat suppress the activity of a Brain Peptide called BDNF (Brain- Derived Neurotrophic Factor ) which ultimately lead to inflammation in the hippocampus area of the brain which is responsible for learning and memory formation.
Risk of Dementia
Unlike Pancreas insulin is also produced in the brain which carries the signals between the nerve cells and forming memories ,but this process is hampered due to increase the increase level of insulin in the body and brain stops responding to hormones and become resistant thus increasing. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!