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Yoga For Abdomen And It's Health Benefits

Last Updated: Jun 27, 2023

Benefits of yoga for abdomen

An unhealthy eating habit, lack of exercise, high volume of stress and erroneous lifestyle pose several threats to the abdominal region. It is often said that the level of health risk is often determined by the width of the abdomen. The most promising and natural solution for improving the health of the abdominal region is yoga. Practicing yoga regularly can not only improve the digestion but the abdominal muscles also get toned appropriately. The strength of the abdominal muscles improves through yoga. Yoga

helps in removing the excess belly fat. There are some asanas in yoga that enhance the blood circulation in the abdominal region which provides fresh oxygenated blood supply to the region thereby removing the belly of all the toxins. Yoga helps in relieving tension from the abdominal muscles thereby reducing the physical stress. Yoga relaxes the mind of the individual thereby alleviating mental stress which is the root cause of the majority of the problems. A recent research study states that practicing yoga not only helps in treating several abdominal disorders but it also prevents them from occurring in the future. Given below are some of the asanas of yoga that help in alleviating the problems of abdominal disorder.

Yoga asanas for abdomen

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Supine Twist

This yoga pose calms the abdomen and helps stretch and strengthen the back. Start by lying on your back and then bend your knees while your feet are planted on the floor. Spread out your arms and let your knees fall to one side as you twist your head to the other side. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
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Child’s Pose

This yoga pose helps reduce stress and compresses the abdomen to relieve any kind of discomfort. Start with a kneeling position.Sit with your hips on your heels and stretch your arms forward and allow the forehead to rest on the floor. Maintain the position for a while as you breathe deeply.
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Wind-Relieving Pose

This yoga pose helps relieve abdominal pain and improves digestion. Start by lying on your back. Move your knees towards your chest and wrap your arms firmly around them. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and breathe steadily. Revert to the original position and repeat.
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Bridge Pose

This yoga pose helps stretch and strengthen the abdomen. It helps improve blood circulation and digestion. Lie down with your knees bent and the feet firmly planted on the floor. Keep the arms on your sides with the palms facing down. Try to lift your hips upwards and stretch the chest and abdomen and hold this position for 20-60 seconds. Repeat this twice or thrice.
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Seated Cat Cow Pose

This yoga pose helps improve blood circulation and relaxes the stomach and colon and helps improve digestion. Start with a kneeling position with your hands joined at the back of your head. Inhale deeply and arch your back as you lift your chest skywards. Exhale as you bring your chin towards your chest. Repeat for eight more rounds.


Apart from yoga, it is necessary that an individual suffering from the problem of abdomen consume a healthy diet. There are several food products that prove to be advantageous in providing relief from abdominal disorders. Adding food products like brown rice, oats, and whole grain bread that is rich in fiber not only prevents constipation but it also improves the digestion of person. Food that high on fat content must be replaced with low-fat food products like skimmed milk and lean meat.

Yogurt is one food product which is found to be useful in relieving the majority of the abdominal problems. One of the most important thing which helps in improving the overall health of the abdomen is drinking plenty of fluids as they clear the digestive system from all the toxins. Whenever there is a talk of healthy diet green leafy vegetables must always be added to the diet as they provide ample nutritional benefits. If a person is under the consultation of a doctor for abdominal disorder then he/she must take his medicine regularly as they play an important part in eliminating the symptoms of the abdominal disorder.


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    Written ByDr. Akhilesh Singh Post Graduate Course In Diabetology,CCEBDM(DIABETOLOGY) & CCMH ( CARDIOLOGY)General Physician
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    Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician

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