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Yoga For Pancreas And It's Health Benefits

Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025

Benefits of yoga for pancreas

Pancreas in the human body is 18-25 cm long. This organ plays a dual role in the body. The first role of the pancreas is to work as a digestive aid and the other role is to maintain salt and sugar levels in the human bodies. Thus maintaining the health of the pancreas is very essential. If proper care of pancreas is not undertaken then it may lead to the development of pancreatitis. One of the best means for maintaining and improving the health of pancreas is yoga. Studies have indicated that a well-balanced and regular yoga exercises provide great revitalizing and toning effect on the pancreas. There are several asanas in yoga that are helpful in maintaining and improving the health of the pancreas. The meditation practices, breathing techniques, and relaxation asanas help in the oxygenation and relaxation of the pancreas which allows the flow of nutritious blood supply. The asanas of yoga exert pressure around the pancreatic area by squeezing it tightly thereby when the pose is released a fresh supply of blood flows in. Given below are some of the asanas that help in maintaining and improving the health of the pancreas.

Yoga asanas for pancreas

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Cow Head Pose

It is very beneficial for strengthening kidneys, bladder and also helps in digestion and countering diabetes. Start with a sitting position and then bring your left leg and place it over the right so that the left heel touches the right buttock. Now bring the left hand from above your head and the right hand from below to your back or behind. Clasp your fingers to provide you support and stability. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the original position. Repeat with the other leg.
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Forward Bending Stretching The Back

It helps in stimulating the kidney and pancreas and also results in slimmer body. Start by sitting on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Inhale and bring your arms over your head and by your side followed by exhaling and bringing your arm downwards so that it touches the toes with your head facing downwards. Hold the position for a few seconds while breathing normally. Again inhale and bring your body up and exhale while placing your hand on your thighs.
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Spinal Twist Or Seated Twist

Start with a sitting position with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bring your left leg and bend and place the left foot beside your right buttock. The right leg will flat on the ground with the back straight. Take your left arm and place on your right knee holding it properly. Then tilt your upper body to the right side pretending to look over the shoulder. Maintain the position for a few seconds while breathing normally. Return to the original position and repeat with the other leg and side.
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Peacock Position

This pose is particularly helpful for stimulating the lungs, kidney, pancreas and liver. Moreover, it is helpful in relieving gas and diabetes. Start by sitting in a squatting position with your hands lying in the middle of your legs. Bend forward and place the hands on the floor with palms facing towards the feet. Put pressure on hands and lift your body from the ground while your toes touch the floor. The legs and the body should be horizontal to the floor. Maintain this position for a few seconds while breathing normally. Slowly return to the original position.


In order to keep pancreas healthy and functional apart from yoga, the diet which is being consumed by a patient plays a vital role. For improving the health of the pancreas the patient must concentrate on food that is low in animal fats, rich in protein and includes antioxidants. A person must incorporate beans, lentils, clear soups, and lean meat in their diet as the pancreas does not have to work hard to process these foods. Hydration is an important cog in the wheel of maintaining pancreatic health. A person must drink 8 ounces of water daily as dehydration can lead to the exertion of stress on the pancreas.

A person also needs to make some changes in their lifestyle for improving the health of their pancreas. A person who drinks excessive amount alcohol and smokes regularly can damage the health of pancreas thus both smoking and drinking must be avoided. It would not be wrong to say that yoga in conjunction with proper diet and lifestyle changes can not only improve the health of the pancreas but also improve the overall quality of life of a person.


  • Sareen S, Kumari V, Gajebasia KS, Gajebasia NK. Yoga: a tool for improving the quality of life in chronic pancreatitis. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG. 2007 Jan 21;13(3):391. [Cited 23 April 2020]. Available from:
  • Sareen S, Kumari V. Yoga for rehabilitation in chronic pancreatitis. Gut. 2006 Jul 1;55(7):1051. [Cited 23 April 2020]. Available from:
  • Büssing A, Michalsen A, Khalsa SB, Telles S, Sherman KJ. Effects of yoga on mental and physical health: a short summary of reviews. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012;2012. [Cited 23 April 2020]. Available from:

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    Written ByDr. Pranjit Mushahary MBBS,MD(medicine),MD - Internal MedicineGeneral Physician
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    Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician

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