Haematuria is a condition wherein there is blood in the urine because of excessive red blood cells in it. Up to 12,500 red blood cells/mh can be occasioned in a healthy individual, but more than this may cause blood in the urine. Types of haematur......read more
A kidney transplantation is a surgical procedure where a diseased kidney is replaced with a healthy one. Once the surgery is over and you are recuperating, it is very important that you make certain alterations to your diet to facilitate faster re......read more
Kidney or renal stones refer to the hard mineral deposit that accumulates along the path from the renal pelvis to the bladder. In normal conditions, toxins are filtered by kidneys from the blood and then passed into the urine. But if this waste do......read more
As men enter their middle age, many of them develop issues with their prostate gland. There are certain symptoms that would tell you that your prostate glands have stopped functioning smoothly. It is recommended that you opt for a thorough check-u......read more
There can be no better way to maintain a healthy lifestyle other than a regular exercise and fitness routine. Sometimes even after surgeries, doctors recommend exercise to the patients for a speedy recovery. A kidney transplant is one such surgery......read more