Personal Statement
To provide my patients with the highest quality healthcare, I'm dedicated to the newest advancements and keep up-to-date with the latest health care more
Doctor Information
- Internal Medicine Specialist
Clinic Location
no 91 vedachalam street, arakkonam
Question and Answers
P Paddu
female • 20 Year Old • Aug 02, 2020 • Tirupati
My baby 's 3rd vaccination is delaying due to corona pls tell me that any risk factors of this situation.
4 years ago
Hello. It is important to stick to the proper vaccination schedule. Since you have not mentioned wat vaccine you r talking about. It is best to talk to a paediatrician a full answer
Bhaskar Bhatt
male • 38 Year Old • Aug 01, 2020 • Delhi
Recently I have done covid-19 antibody igg test and as per test report I am positive and result is 6.6. Now what to do. I don't have symptoms. Kindly suggest pls.
4 years ago
Hello. Antibody tests can indicate past infection that too igg. Now that you do not have any symptoms you do not have to worry about anything .just make sure you follow full answer
Kashif Siddiqui
female • 25 Year Old • Aug 01, 2020 • Delhi
Sir, my wife not feeling since last 2 weeks. Problem in breathing 2 -3 times last upto 10 minutes. Pain in chest ,feeling something moving inside near liver. She had ult more
4 years ago
Hi. Increase in platelet level and increase in spleen can be due to many reasons. She will require a detailed workup of some blood tests initially to see what is the und full answer
male • 62 Year Old • Jul 30, 2020 • Navi Mumbai
Which test to be done for helicobacter pylori? Igg or iga? I am feeling abdominal continuous discomfort since a week, burping, nausea.
4 years ago
The test you are asking is antibody test. Its actually helpful in telling if you have had h.pylori but. To see current infective state you can get a urea breath test, en full answer
Aayush Mittal
male • 23 Year Old • Jul 29, 2020 • Delhi
Greetings sir/mam I am a heavy chewless tobacco user from past 5 years including smoker, weed smoker and 1 year of brown sugar history narcotic and obviously bed rest ty more
4 years ago
All the substances you have mentioned are harmful. Good thing is that you have realised that you want to stop it. There is no need for medicines as such unless you have full answer