If you are constantly getting sick, feeling tired without reason, or are prone to bone fractures, then it is the proper time to check the amount of vitamin D in your body. If you have vitamin D less than 30 nanograms per deciliter, then it shows t......read more
Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones of its sufferers. This is most commonly found in women, especially in those women who are close to, or going through, menopause. Hormonal changes around this period in a woman's life usually lead to......read more
Wrist fracture is a medical term used to describe a broken wrist bone. Wrist is composed of 8 small carpal bones and lower ends of the two forearm bones - Radius & Ulna. The fracture may occur in any of the 10 bones that make up the wrist. While s......read more
My mother aged 65 years has severe arthritis of both knees, should she get both knees replaced in one sitting? You should do both knees in one sitting if the severity is same in both the knees and the patient is unable to differentiate the painful......read more
Polio, a highly contagious viral disease, which is caused due to poor sanitation and contamination of water. It can be both paralytic and non-paralytic in nature....read more