Hello, My boyfriend has deep depression and he hurts every part of body (one moment he hurts leg and in the other moment he hurts stomach). He wants to die, also he has phobias that he has some incurable diseases. Often (at least once in day) he feels lack of ability of breathing and he feels afraid of being asphyxiated. He has no heart diseases, but feels hurt in chest too. Please tell me, probably what diagnosis can be, and how can be solved this problem?
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Your boyfriend needs professions help. The symptoms he is currentlybsuffering from including self harming behavior, desire to die, pessimistic thoughts like the fear of suffering from some incurable disease etc. May be life threatening if not taken care of immediately. Get him evaluated by a Psychiatrist at the earliest, who will do detailed mental status evaluation & physical examination, & then make the diagnosis. Then will prescribe medication &/or advice counseling sessions accordingly. With treatment he will definitely come out of the present condition. Along with, encourage him to take the following measures: 1)Lead an active life & maintain a healthy lifestyle. Go for a walk, exercise regularly, do some yoga or relaxation techniques daily. 2)Do not let him spend time alone. Encourage him to spend time with friends, family members or well wishers with whom he feels comfortable & positive. Give him support & encourage him. 3)Read motivational books & quotes. 4)Spend some time daily recollecting the good moments in his life. 5)Try to evaluate things practically & rationally. 6)Avoid people who spreads negativity or demoralize him. 7)Avoid watching or reading mind disturbing things like violence, crime, horrors etc. 8)Maintain a daily routine. 9)Motivate him to pursue his hobbies or keep a pet. 10)Every day spend some time with nature & try to feel its beauty. 11)Stay away from substance of abuse like alcohol, cannabis, inhalants, drugs etc. 12)If any problem is there in his life, encourage him to put maximum effort & try to solve it. Work to enhance his problem solving skills & coping skills. If he are not able to solve any problem himself, discuss about it & try to help him or take professional help. 13)Keep reminding him the fact that people with bigger problems exist in this world. 14)Read or watch comedies & make him laugh. 15)Above all, keep reminding him that life is precious & one is gifted with this life for once only. Every moment, every day is precious & life once lost can never be regained back.
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