Hi, I have been facing itching in between thighs since last 3 months. During 1 month I have some rashes or like pimples on thigh near genitals then I use Ring guard for that and that all were cleared. But itching is not going away now I am using candid dusting power.
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Ringworm or Tinea infections, are a fungal skin disease. A family of fungi called dermatophytes causes these infections which might occur anywhere on the body, typically the arms, legs, neck, groin, scalp, hair, nails or beard. The fungi survive on the dead skin cells or keratin and rarely invade the deeper membranes and tissues. However, many ringworm (or Tinea) infections often recur and the usual medicines simply do not help the patient. In such cases, homeopathic remedies for ringworm can help. You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance
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Any itching due to fungal cause will be cleared by Ring guard and Candid powder. Now that the itching is persisting it might be due to your skin in the thigh region having turned allergic. It could be contact allergy to 1. Cloth. So try to avoid all tight undergarments. Use new cotton underwear loose fitting and wear it only when you go outdoors. 2. Wash the area with warm salted water often. 3. Use once daily anti allergic tablet (called antihistamines as a group) at bed time after consulting your local family doctor. Take it for 20 days. Calamine lotion is also good to be applied at bed time.
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