I am not able to forget my exlover. I am married with a baby still I can't take his thought from my mind. But he s not intersected in me or never were. Am so depressed and he came become like a part of me I keep thinking always about him. Please help to get him out of my head and life.
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lybrate-user, Any relationship require the involvement of both. You said, he has no interest it means you are yet to deal with rejection feeling. Your self-perpetuating thoughts are creating discomfort for you. Take a professional help where you can ventilate everything which is bothering you. Counseling sessions will help you learn to work on the emotional baggage and accept reality. Dealing with depression is very much possible via therapy. Take care.
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You are married & having a baby. As you have realized that this involvement is not right, you yourself can try for this. You have to become strong enough. Always think about your priorities in future deciding to forget past. Alternatively go for Hypnosis therapy. This will help you to forget without much efforts from your side.
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