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I, 30 years male (73 Kg & 5'8) am experiencing severe upper body (back & front) pain only during early hours of sleep (Around 3 AM) since last 2 weeks. I consulted reputed physician and as per his advise I had blood, urine & thyroid tests and cervical spine X-ray. Blood, urine & thyroid test results are in normal range. X-ray report says" Loss of Cervical Lordosis most likely due to Muscular Spasm" BP, Blood sugar levels are normal. Pulse is varying between 52 (night time) - 70 (daytime). After checking the reports, my physician said not to worry and prescribed rantac 150TA, Myospaz and B-29 tablets and further referred me to consult cardiologist at my convenient time. I am using tablets since last 3 days but couldn't see any improvement. Last night also experienced terrible upper body pain at 2 AM. After getting up from bed pain is vanishing and re-occurring while sleeping. Kindly provide the exact causes for this pain and care to be taken off. Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration. By M SURESH.

2Doctors Answered
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