I am 54 years age and a diabetic since last 12 years. My wait constantly 71 to 73.00 Kgs til date and Height 5'-6' I am taking medicine 1. Exermet-GM 502- 1 tab twice day 2. Benfoment cap- 1 /day 3. Ecosprin 75 -1HS since last 5 years. My sugar level Fasting 120 Avg and post lunch 170 Avg. Q. When I have taking some hi calorie diets during festival/occasion an effect on my skin found every time. When sugar level come down bellow 150 mg on fasting automatically cured the same. Some where it is itching and skin synchronized and if I try to ealast those area skin cracked there but automatically cure as sugar level down. I have not taken ever Insulin. I have no bad habit like smoking/Drinks but taking non-vegetarian food by weekly 2/3 days but dinner only milk bread. I like fruit but need advice to take fruits. Also required advice for betterment living but not hard.
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Diabetes affects all organs in the body ? Eyes, kidneys, nerves, reproductive system all are affected, In fact, from toe to hair. It is not as easy task to control blood sugar in the desired normal range. Whatever we eat is metabolised to sugar in the body to provide energy for our daily activities. For the absolute control, one has to monitor his / her blood sugar at regular intervals (Self-Monitoring of Blood glucose ? SMBG). Though difficult, this can be done by a glucometer and keep a record. Get an idea of Fasting sugar (FBS) and 2 hours after food (PPBS), & HbA1C and check before dinner and after every major food. The basic idea is to reduce the food intake to 1/3 of what you take now. The dictum of sugar control is diet, exercise, diet + medicine and at later stage medicine+ Insulin will be needed. There are different diet plans of varying calories for each person depending on his activity & lifestyle. Give all the details like your daily eating pattern and medicines you take.
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