Hi, my mother's age is 56, she have high bp I wanted to know home remedy to control bp. She is taking bp tablets regularly from 1 year but I want her treatment to be natural as I came to know about the side effects of that medicine. Please suggest some natural remedies.
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Taking medicine for an ailment is necessary. So do not fear. Every thing has side effects if not used properly. However do 1.no alcohol 3. No smoking/ tobacco 4. Diet - no ghee/ butter, have mix of vegetable oils - mustard, til, ground nut, olive oil, have more green vegetables and fruits, have whole grain atta, no fried. Fast. Spicy / processed/ junk food. Less sugar, potato, rice 5. 30 mts brisk walk daily 6. Deep breathing exercise for 10 mts daily 7. Meditation daily for 10 mts. 6-8 hrs of sleep at night 8. Expose your body to sun for 15-20 mts daily after some oil massage to get vit d. 9. Take more water- proper hydration. 10. Laugh for 2 mts for medicine contact on private chat.
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You need to understand about high blood pressure.� Normal range of blood pressure is between 90/60 to 140/90, anything above or below is is abnormal. Many factors can affect blood pressure, including: 1) The amount of water and salt you have in your body 2) The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels 3) Your hormone levels 4) your lifestyle - smoking, drinking, exercise� You are more likely to be told your blood pressure is too high as you get older. This is because your blood vessels become stiffer as you age. When that happens, your blood pressure goes up. High blood pressure increases your chance of having a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, or early death. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. DASH lowers high blood pressure and improves levels of cholesterol. This reduces your risk of getting heart disease. The DASH Diet Emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Includes whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils. Limits sodium, sweets, sugary beverages, and red meats. Along with DASH, other lifestyle changes can help lower your blood pressure. They include staying at a healthy weight, exercising, and not smoking. My advice to you would be 1) Keep a BP daily record for at least one week 2) Basic tests should be one to rule out cardiac / kidney issues 3) unless any recent evaluation has been done I would advice these test ECG ECHO Lipid Profile TSH KFT� Renal doppler� Get back to me with a detailed history and� old / new records for a better individualized advice.
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