I'm suffering from long term allergy. I have frequent nasal blockage and headache since my childhood. My doctor says that I am allergic to something in the environment and so, I will have to take medication to avoid my symptoms. I feel very drowsy on medication and am not able to concentrate on my work. How can I get rid of my allergies? Please help.
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You can certainly be helped very effectively. Your long term suffering will disappear and you do not have to suffer from drowsiness any more. You work like any other normal person and your quality of life willimprove tremedously. This most recent and advanced method of treatment is called IMMUNOTHERAPY and it is extensively practised in USA, AND UK. We do skin prick test to find out what are the things you are allergic to (these are called ALLERGENS) and inject vaccine against these allergens. It works on the same principle as vaccination against small pox or meales etc. Interestigly these injections are painless. For more information please contact.
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Do aeroallergen detection test.
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