My self jasmeen. I am suffering from hairloss from last 2 years. Which is resulting in baldness on my forehead. please help me to overcome this problem.
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A wholesome diet, rich in silica, calcium and iron, will help reduce or prevent hair loss. Green, leafy vegetables, especially sea vegetables, are good mineral sources. Raw oats provide silica. Dried fruits and cherry juice are rich sources of iron.Eat plenty of iron-rich foods, like liver (avoid if you are pregnant) and other organ meat, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, and raisins. For women, thinning hair or hair loss can be a sign of a problem in the gastrointestinal tract. It could be a sign of insufficient stomach acids; it could also mean a deficiency of protein, zinc and other nutrients. For men, balding process can be slowed down by taking a low-fat diet. Some scientists postulate that the male pattern baldness is tied to increased testosterone levels during puberty. A high-fat, meat-based diet raises testosterone levels, and that may adversely affect hair follicles. Anemia is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss. European studies have found that soy protein reinforces hair and stimulates its growth. Tofu and soy milk are good sources of soy protein. Other good sources of protein are: low-fat cheese, eggs, fish, beans, brewer's yeast and yogurt. Vitamin c improves the absorption of iron. Include a good serving of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Vitamin e is important for healthy hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil on a regular basis. If hair loss is due to thyroid dysfunction, eat more foods rich in vitamin a and iodine. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet if there is a deficiency of iodine. Caution: excessive intake of vitamin A can cause hair loss.
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Apply minoxidil 5% lotion (Regain lotion) 1 ml twice daily for at least a year. Also take tab finasteride (finax) 1 mg daily. If dandruff is present then it needs treatment.
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