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I am 21 years old, 3 years ago gynecologist diagnosed me fibroadenosis of breast Few day ago I felt some nodule or cyst in both breast when palpate it causes pain Surgeon given me primosa capsule and natvie capsule for 6 moth. Is there any worried things in fibroadenosis of breast? What is role of above 2 capsule. How much duration I have to take this or any other drug? Rate of complications how much in this condition?
1Doctor Answered
93% (289 ratings)
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Hi, At 21 years of age, you have no need to worry about breast diseases. Breast discomfort and pain happens in all women before periods, up to 10 days before. And it usually settles after periods. The medications you mentioned don't have any great benefit, but they won't harm you. Also you breasts are still growing, and with age these nodules will settle. If you touch your breasts before periods they will fell nodules and have pain. So don't do that. Message me with specific problems and I will guide you. Do not have any unnecessary tests or surgery.
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