Sir, I have hypoglycemia at 1030 and 1630. For evaluation of hypoglycemia I have undergone 72 hrs fasting test and OGTT. Fasting test was uneventful however OGTT reveals PP hypoglycemia. Sugar-216-220-50. HbA1C before one month 6.96. Insulin pre and PP are 19 and 186. Cholesterol and triglyceride remain high 256 and 485. I was taking ziten m 20/500 and lipoglycin 4 mg. But after taking ziten my sugar level remain down and I stopped taking that medicine 15 days back. I experience heavy acidity and gas, headache,body ache after each episode. Please advice.
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your pp insulin is too high . your pancreas is working too hard to put the high glucose in your blood into cells. i will look
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Hello, You need to monitor your weight, first, Obesity cause lithargicity, fatigue, lithargicity, acidity and create pressure on pancreas to secret excessive insulin to result hyperglycemia, often. Go for meditation to reduce your stress to nourish your body conditioning pancreas. Take, plenty of water to hydrate your body. Your diet be easily digestible on time to check gastric disorder. Take, homoeopathic medicine:@.AshawagandhaQ -10 drops, thrice. Avoid, junkfood, alcohol and Nicotine. Take, care.
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