In next few days I have ielts speaking exam. I'm little bit worried. When I face examiner on exam day I can't speak. I get blank and a lot of nervousness. But now these days I'm speaking good with my tutor. She said I would do. But I am worried that my anxiety will fall me into failure. What I have to do. To communicate confidentially with examiner.
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Hello dear Your low confidence along with negative thinking is causing anxiety. Try practising it with other members of the family or a friend to gain more confidence. Also try to have positive thoughts and confidence in oneself that you can do it and try deep breathing exercises too. For better management of the symptoms kindly consult a psychologist for regular counselling sessions.
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Dear lybrate-user, Do make a visit to a local psychiatrist. There are different ways to help you including counselling and taking medicines - let a expert see you in person and assess so as to lay out the options for you. Remember, medicines are the quickest and most effective option available and you would be able to sail through your exam if anxiety is the only issue that you believe is the hurdle. However let the psychiatrist assess you properly to give you proper guidance. Once you feel better with the medicines, do go ahead with counselling and lifestyle modification to ensure that the gains of the medicines stay with you even when you taper off the medicines. Hope this helps.
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