I have a lot of ance pimples and scars on my face I even took lasers but nothing worked and I have pcod help me out with this situation?
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As you are suffering from pcod Its obvious that you have a harmonal imbalance so that you are getting acnes No laser treatment will help as it needs to be treated from inside Firstly harmonal imbalnce in a body should get corrected Its having a good line of treatment in homeopathy You can go for it Here are few tips for preventing acnes and scars : Eat healthy food Increase water intake Rub lemon juice in night time on scars ,it fadens the mark Use a good astringent Dont use any chemical based creams ob your face Decrease stress level Cut off junk foods and icecreams Eat almonds Soak almonds in water overnight Peel the skin ,make a paste and apply on ur skin as a face pack Eat lots of citrus foods Like lemon oranges Take vit c
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Hi. PCOD requires a combined approach from a gynaecologist, dermatologist and endocrinologist. Consult any of these for proper investigations and treatment.
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