I am 27. I am having bp since 2 yrs. I take bp tab daily (cilnidipine 10, telmisartan 40. Today I checked my that was 144/90 after not taking medicine for 4 days. Should I take medicine or work on something else. I have started taking multivitamins from a good youtube nutritionist. Should I take this instead of bp tab. It may not decrease my BP bt can provide support to other organs.
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Its better to continue Bp medications after consulting your doctor Sudden stoppage may not be good.
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Change diet, lifestyle and your doctor also. Do not believe your nutritionist also There is no good multivitamin available in India because they are not dairy, gluten,nut and filler free and they have artificial Colors and flavors .talk 2 me before taking any supplements Hypertension is both lifestyle and dietary disease which requires only lifestyle and dietary changes and no medicine is needed provided the triggers are identified and treated. BP medicines cause complications which your Dr. is not going to talk about and you never ask your doctor also and you land up in more new diseases. Doctors lack, nutrition knowledge have vested monetary interests and they have been fooling people doing incomplete testing and not giving lifestyle advice which will cure your elevated Bp without medicines .Never believe in the lies told by drs that you have to take BP medicines lifelong. Reversible causes of BP like Mineral, Vitamin deficiency, high calorie diet, Thyroid disease ,Stress etc needs to be excluded and treated which will cure your high BP. 1) Detailed history including dietary & lifestyle habits needed in addition to medical, occupational ,& environment history 2) Comprehensive lab testing needed which should have tests for inflammation and mineral deficiency. Do tests reflecting not focusing on heart alone. 3) Get detailed dietary and lifestyle habits advice based on the basis of detailed history and lab tests results. If you do not follow these 3 steps you will be left with no other option other than life long medications and Dr. shopping Send feedback with name and contact number and take consult. Rule out any structural heart disease as proved by normal cardiac tests like Echo, and TMT, If your test results are all normal but you are still having high BP that clearly indicates your Dr. Has not addressed the root cause of the problem. Dr. medicating you without educating you puts a temporary fix which is more profitable for the doctor Wake up and Get educated and never medicated for any Lifestyle and dietary disease like high BP and reverse your elevated BP naturally. So change your diet, change your lifestyle, change your doctor and you will get permanent cure for sure.
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Multivitamins are not replacements for medications. Agreed that by diet and lifestyle modifications, you can reduce your BP to some extent. But if your BP still remains high you need to take your medicines. At 144/90 I may ask you to continue with diet and lifestyle routines for some more time. But you have to maintain strict diet and regular healthy lifestyle. But if your BP still remains high then you have to take your BP meds. At the same time you need to rule out certain underlying conditions which can cause high BP.
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