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I have complete my bsc 3rd year in this year. My age is 21. I have been suffering from depression since 2013. I started taking from 2016 to 2017. Now I feel quite relaxed. But my past memories, songs of few movies, incidents in my life keep on going in my mind. I have noticed that I continuously keep on speaking in my mind .few people say that "you sometimes smile and talk with yourself being distracted from present" I want to know that is it a problem or not. If it is then what is better. Yoga meditation or psychiatric pills. If pills then whom should I consult.
2Doctors Answered
Dr. Ankita Mishrayrs exp
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Dear lybrate-user Thank you for your query. You need to consult a psychiatrist in person for a detailed evaluation to understand whats going on. The treatment depends on the outcome of the assessment and may consist of psychological therapy or medication Hope this helps.
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Dr. N S S Gauri21yrs exp
95% (159289 ratings)
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Brahmi avleh 10 gm twice a day.
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