I am 26 years old. I am presently doing MBA, I am poor at communicate with people. I feel lonely and bored during sundry and leisure time at hostel for not having friends. Suggest me how to develop good communicate with people.
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Relationships are best maintained with good communication, and you have hit the nail on the head, so to say. You are well qualified and obviously know how and what to communicate. So is it possible that you may be afraid of people and then stutter and hesitate to talk to them? it usually comes from an inferiority complex and a fear of people. Would you know where this came from in your developmental years? it would help to speak to your parents and see if they remember anything that might have contributed to this development. Equipped with that information please meet with a counselor to help you sort out this fear. In the meantime you could do several other things to improve your communication. Do attend a conversations skills class, public speaking course, personality development course, elocution class and do a lot of reading, which will endow you, both with knowledge and vocabulary that will be very useful to your communication skills. You must make a conscious effort to meet with people and you can start slowly with one friend and through his help meet more of his friends and slowly you will become familiar with them and not fear them so much. There are social clubs, functions, meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, toastmasters club etc. Which are very good avenues to meet other people who are all interested in some kind of topical concerns and they will feel less intimidating. To build good self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem do regular exercise in a gym, practice spirituality, get proper sleep, educate yourself more, and eat a proper diet. Pay close attention to the way you dress, speak, conduct yourself in social settings, and relate to other people.
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