I am 46 years diabetic. Also taking treatment for depression. I suffering from a complete loss of memory since 12 years back at age of 28 years due to higher stress. I got admitted for this around 15 days in a hospital. Now a days I feel loss of memory in some important matters in office and also from home. Is it a sign of dementia if so how can confirm it? please suggest.
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See, there is no short cut route. But its kapha doshas as per ayurved. You may follow way of natureopathy and few therapy to be prevent the situation.
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At this age less likely to b dementia. Memory loss could be a symptom of depression.
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Dear lybrate-user, Dementia is a progressively declining memory loss unlike yours. Probably you would have gone in for an acute organic brain syndrome (delirium) for which you got admitted and treated. Manage your diabetes well and undergo neuropsychological testing. It will give you results about your brain's functioning. Even early dementia can be detected by this test. A clinical psychologist or neuropsychologist will do the testing.
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It seems you r under tremendous stress. Find out reason n try to solve that Try to relax yourself -- Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. Take a few minutes to breathe in and out in slow, deep breaths. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. Write It Down. Chew Gum. Spend Time With Friends and Family. Laugh. Massage. Eat a healthy diet. Pursue one hobbyWalk in nature Meditation. Yoga For details you can consult me.
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