Hi doctor, I am 20 years old girl, my skin color is wheatish I need to improve my skin color. please give the prescription for skin whitening treatment.
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Looking for over the counter creams for short term advantage can be hazardous. Many of the creams available in the market contain steroid in it and eventually it thinned out the skin. Someone would appear fair for short time but redness, pimple like eruption, sun sensitivity and even hair over the face are side effects. If someone wants to improve the over all complexion which is practically impossible. You can focus on more even skin color and glow and shine on the face which would give her more confidence. Regular usage of sunscreen would help in preventing sign of aging plus de pigmentation cream containing kojic acid and hydroquinone can be used. Plenty of fluid along with fruits and vegetables in diet help boosting her immunity hence her skin will glow from within. No need to try fancy things like glutathione injection and tablet at this age. Do connect for further information and treatment!
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