I have high blood sugar for last 15-18 years I take a medicine" tribet 2" every morning. Though I have healthy life (rarely fell sick), I do regular exercise / walk. I don't eat any sugar or sweets but recently I found my blood sugar level tat fasting is very high above 250 what should I do immediately? Change the medicine? Consult doctor? Please suggest. Thanks, ashish m: mobile.
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consult your doctor with fasting and pp blood sugar level..... medicines may need to revise accordingly.....
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Mr. lybrate-user, thanks for the query. Fasting glucose of 250 mg and above, is a clear sign of uncontrolled diabetes. Ideally when diabetes is well controlled fasting glucose should be < 100 mg, pp 150 to 160 & hba1c% < 6.8. Therefore it is clear that your present treatment is not helping in achieving necessary control. There is an upgrade needed, plus there is a need to look at your diet pattern and extent of daily exercise. So please do consult your physician or diabetologist and do the needful. If you are looking for online help, please come back with all the above information in a private conversation (paid consultation) then I will be able to guide specifically and even prescribe the necessary medications. In this communications we are supposed to give only general guidelines. No prescriptions are allowed. Thanks.
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