I am suffering from white coat hypertension I am using bp tab olmezest h20. I am taking bp readings at home by automated bp monitor. During first reading I am very nervous and anxiety it shows 145/79, after two minutes I am very free the second shows as 120/75, and third shows as 115/70, remaining 4,5, 6 all readings are very normal like 2 and third. My doubt is which reading should be considered? High or low readings I mean first or next readings?
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Hi dear eat more vegetables and whole fruits and exercise daily A homeopathic constitutional treatment will give you best results naturally You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance Medicines will reach you via courier services
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you should get ambulatory BP monitoring done to understand if you have BP issue or not .
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White coat hypertension per se does not require medication. The commercial blood pressure medicines available are automatic ones which do have this problem of different readings each time. What you should do is pay a visit to your cardiologist and get a detail evaluation done. There are changes on ecg, 2d echo, fundus examination which will prove beyond doubt that whether you have high blood pressure requiring medication or not. Also you can get an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring which will guide the medication therapy.
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