I am 25 years old female. I?m going through a depression due to my failure in professional life. These days i?m feeling down, lost my confidence, unhappy n hopeless when I think about my future, i?m living in a constant state of fear nowadays also nowadays feeling afraid to go outside alone. Even I started forgetting words while speaking. Sleepless nights & sometimes loss of appetite too. I don?t have any illness but due to this depression n fear sometimes I experience shortness of breath n it?s going away after I take a deep breath or after drinking a glass of water. Should I have to take any medicine to get rid of all these fear n anxiety. I really want to bounce back n stay energetic.
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?a depressive disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by a sad, blue mood that goes above and beyond normal sadness or grief. ?a depressive disorder is a syndrome, meaning a group of symptoms. ?depressive disorders are feature not only negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors but also specific changes in bodily functions (like, eating, sleeping, energy and sexual activity). ?one in 10 people will have a depression in their lifetime. ?because depression can lead to self-harm including suicide, it is important to note that one of every 25 suicide attempts results in death. ?some types of depression, especially bipolar depression, run in families. ?while there are many social, psychological, and environmental risk factors for developing depression, some are particularly prevalent in one gender or the other, or in particular age or ethnic groups. ?there can be some differences in symptoms of depression depending on age, gender, and ethnicity. ?depression is only diagnosed clinically in that there is no laboratory test or x-ray for depression. It is therefore crucial to see a health professional as soon as you notice symptoms of depression in yourself, your friends, or family. ?the first step in getting appropriate treatment is a complete physical and psychological evaluation to determine whether the person, in fact, has a depressive disorder. ?depression is not a weakness but a serious illness with biological, psychological, and social aspects to its cause, symptoms, and treatment. A person cannot will it away. Untreated or undertreated, it can worsen or return. ?there are many safe and effective medications, particularly the ssris, that can be of great help in the treatment of depression. Treatment- a variety of treatments, including medications and short-term psychotherapies (i.e. "talking" therapies), have proven effective for depressive disorders: more than 80 percent of people with a depressive illness improve with appropriate treatment. Not only can treatment lessen the severity of depression, but it may also reduce the duration of the episode and may help prevent additional bouts of depression. If you are happy with these answers please click on "useful? link so that I can know my efforts are not wasted. If you want more clarifications please ask me directly and not in open questions session.
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