I am 33 years old male I don't know my disease name first I have check up that time doctor told me I am having anxiety but I have some problem like as acidity but that acidity will not come out so I have a problem for breathing sometimes I feel I will die coz certainly my breath stops and when that problem happens my vision also becomes blur and can't hear properly and when person talk that time I feel irritate I did liver function test and my s.g.o.t. Ast is 47.6 so sir please suggest me what shall I do.
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Dear user, nervousness or anxiety disorders are a category of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear, where anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a racing heart and shakiness. There are a number of anxiety disorders: including generalized anxiety disorder, a specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, and panic disorder among others. While each has its own characteristics and symptoms, they all include symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety medicines alone cannot cure anxiety disorders mainly because medicines do not alter behavior. Behavior change and continuous practice of the changed behavior cure anxiety. I suggest anxiety education, progressive counseling and progressive psychotherapy.
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