Hello, my name is heemantha. Age 32 im having a oily skin and face is full of red and black marks. I was applying melacare from last 2 years but from last 3 days I stop using, now my face looking very ugly. So please assist which medicine I have to take any tablets or creams.
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Please stop using melacare cream as it contains strong steroids which will cause serious side effects. Steroid induced pimples, photosensitivity that is sun sensitivity, rosacea that is red face, atrophy that is skin thinning, stretch marks, pigmentation, dryness, severe itching and hair growth on the face etc to name a few side effects. Reports of skin cancer are also there. Please don't use any such steroid containing fairness creams. You will require treatment to slowly put you off this cream by using some substitute as the skin becomes addicted to the steroid. Hence you are facing such a problem. Please send photos through online consult option for proper examination and treatment.
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