Hi. Yesterday I had checked my random blood sugar around night at 11: 00 pm the results showed 559 with no symptoms I took glyciphage 500 mg no slept, next morning again I checked on fasting it's was 317 took human actrapid 20 unit do advice some alternative antibiotic which will make wonders for my high diabetic. Your response early highly appreciated.
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Mr. lybrate-user, thanks for the query. The glucose levels mentioned are too high. Please look at hba1c% also. It is difficult to suggest any treatment with such scanty information. Plus in this communication we are supposed to give only general guidelines as to what kind of diet and exercise one has to have, what lifestyle changes are needed. No drugs can be prescribed. If you are seeking online help, please come in a private conversation with following details: since when are you on treatment for diabetes? What are the regular drugs being taken with specific dosage? Present fasting, pp glucose levels, hba1c%, diet pattern, extent of daily exercise, lipid profile, serum creatinine and urea, bp readings. Then only I will be able to give specific guidance and even prescribe necessary medications. Or else please consult your local physician and get the treatment up graded. Thanks.
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