I was taking volibo 0.2 (1-0-1) and melmet 500 sr for many years and my hba1c remained always below 7, last reading being 6.7. I had to consult a diabetologist and he changed the medicine to janumet. Within 10 days of taking it I started getting very hungry every 1 1/2 hours, even at night. So, on my own, I reverted back to my previous medicines. It took a lot of time and will power to overcome hunger at night, but daytime, I am still getting hunger every 2 hours. My hba1c has increased to 8.3 and fasting sugar at 139 and pp at 196. I am afraid to change medicine due to past bad experience. I am 83 years old with diabetes for 33 years. Due to my feet getting numb if I walk (due to slip disc) I am unable to have my morning walk. Sedentary life style! how to control the hunger and reduce my sugar level?
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Hi! your hba1c needs to be brought down to a level below 8.however, we should first find out whether the sugars have risen because of excessive food intake to overcome hunger or due to insufficient medications. Hence I would advise you to split your meals and take small portions frequently rather than widely spaced large meals. You may also try taking mid-morning and evening snacks in the form of fruits (apple, pomegranate) or vegetable soups which would satisfy your hunger without drastically increasing blood sugars. In addition, physiotherapy is highly recommended for you to be physically more active. That will itself have a great impact on sugar control. Kindly monitor the sugars at home regularly. You may get back to me after 10 days with the sugar levels.
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Your present blood sugar fasting 139 and pp 196 is well controlled for your age and you should not target less than that. Please consume channa based diet with 80% channa flour and 20% barely mixed and prepare chappatis out of it. And consume channa atta chilla in morning. Best wishes.
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