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I have anxiety disorder doctor prescribed me cipralex 10 mg and petril md 0.5 1/2 tablet for 30 days and I went to review with doctor he said to continue cipralex10 mg and petril 0.5 full tablet for another 30 days and slowly he will take me of petril, I have fainting phobia I actually faint when I give blood test or injection or in sexual wellness classes I faint shaking and clenching my fist I asked neuropsychiatric he said I have anxiety disorder. My concern is my physical symptoms of anxiety are getting better like headaches etc but the fear of fainting is still there that I may faint when I go out or anytime, anywhere ,i fear when slight sensation like headaches and slight discomfort in my stomach I feel I may faint ,i need some help or advice to cope with my fear or phobia.
2Doctors Answered
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Psychotherapy for phobia management will help you. Take online therapy session I believe you should discuss your concerns in detail with a mental health professional to gain an insight about nature of problem and ways to overcome it through psychotheraputic techniques consult with me or any psychologist for therapy and counseling connect with me through text or audio on Lybrate app.
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You need tcas for your panic disorder, for few weeks and then settle down tapering the same and a drug free program.
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