Hello Dr. I have addiction of tramadol daily dosage 2000 mg. I have lost my relationship with my wife and lost job and everything please help me suggest something and in addiction from last 4 years.
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This is suggestive of opioid dependence. It is difficult to treat but if you motivated enough nothing is impossible. You should consult a psychiatrist at the earliest and sincerely follow the treatment.
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Dear Lybrate user. I can understand. Tramedol addiction comes under substance abuse and addiction. Deaddiction treatment is best suited for such addictions. Medically assisted drug detoxification or alcohol detoxification alone is ineffective as a treatment for addiction. The national institute on drug abuse (nida) recommends detoxification followed by both medication (where applicable) and behavioral therapy, followed by relapse prevention.
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Hi abhay, the following psychological and mood-related symptoms also regularly occur when detoxing from tramadol: Insomnia Anxiety Intense cravings for tramadol Panic attacks Hallucinations Stopping taking Tramadol ?cold turkey? can produce particularly strong, potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms, including seizures. Put yourself on a tapering schedule that you stick to, no matter what. Mark dates that you should decrease use on a calendar or planner. Gradually reducing your consumption of the drug before stopping altogether can help your body self-regulate and will reduce the pain and danger of withdrawal. The method of tapering will be dependent on the presence of other physical and mental conditions present. Set up a self-care routine that will also work to ease withdrawal symptoms. Put yourself on a bland, but nutritious diet to ease gastro-intestinal discomfort while still providing nutrients for your body?s adjustment. Lots of water is also crucial because of its role in the healing process and since fluids deplete rapidly during detox. Because of the flu-like symptoms you might experience, use heating pads and cold packs to help regulate your temperature and be more comfortable. Hot showers will also ease bone and muscle pain which is also common. It is also safe to use over the counter pain medications to treat other withdrawal symptoms. Taking a walk or any light exercise each day will help to increase your serotonin levels, which will help combat the depression that can accompany detox. all the best
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Dear lybrate-user, sorry to hear about your losses. It is all due to your addiction of tramadol - not by abhay. Without tramadol, you can bounce back. You need to get admitted to a hospital since withdrawal symptoms may be severe needing frequent assessment and treatment. You are young and have all your potentials. Use them to get back the job and relationship. All the best.
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