Hi, I am 25 years old married 7 months ago. I have pcod am 5.2 ft height and weight 54 kg, period is not regular I had period naturally in April and may then no periods, so I took 21 days unwanted for 2 months and still no periods, it gave me so many side effects so left the tablets, so after 5 days I got my periods in sep 26th and from 1st day I took clofert 50 mg for 5 days morning and night. After that week started feeling every time hungry still now and also back pain and abdominal pain, mainly left side of my pelvic it gives mild pain like and breast tenderness. Wanted to conceive, had unprotected sex. Is that the side effects of tablet or I may be pregnant?
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Not all of your symptoms are because of medicinal side effects. So relax. U can do beta hcg blood test as soon as you miss your period or upt 10 days after missing your period. All the best.
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May be. Get urine pregnancy test done for confirmation.
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Not all your symptoms are because of the tablet clofert. You can do a urine pregnancy test to be sure that you are not pregnant. For other symptoms of abdominal pain you will require further evaluation.
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Hello friend, thank you for reaching her for help. There are natural and home remedies for pcod symptoms in ayurveda and alternative therapies. Its primarily due to excessive heat or pitta in the body. By following regular oil bath, few food supplement, lifestyle changes, excercises routine you can improve your condition and avoid such side effects. Be positive. You will be alright soon. Feel free to reach me online or through Lybrate chat for further assistance about alternative solutions.
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