I have brown spots in right face and neck ,i used kojiglo cream ,how much time it will take to remove.
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When skin is exposed to the sun, it causes an increase in the production of cells known as melanocytes that increase melanin in the skin, thus turning the skin darker. there could be some other reasons also, you may need to discuss your issue in detail so that actual cause and its most effective treatment can be identified.
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As soon as u stop using it, ur pigmentation will be back. You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh), not from ready made gels available in market. Remove skin of an aloe Vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Or keep it overnight. Use some sunblock with SPF (at least 50) every time you go out in sun. Apply it 30 mins before going out Wear full sleeves shirt. Use umbrella when going in sun. For more details u can consult online
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