Hi im 23 female I had used panderm plus cream for 5 years and I left and did not consulted doctor and I overcome itching, redness but after 4 month small bumpy pimples appeared all over my face I consulted dermatologist and he recently advice me to apply acneday cream for steroid induced acne how many days it will take to cure this acne and is it okay pls ans.
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Applying steroid cream over face may cause severe side effects like acne, rosacea etc, it will take few days to cure since you have applied it for 5 years, if any doubts share lesions pictures through private chat consultation.
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Hi lybrate-user, steroid induced acne will take sometime to reduce. Usually steroid induced acne might require internal medications. But it depends on severity of acne. Usually benzoyl peroxide (bengel ac 2.5% gel) based gels are useful for steroid induced acne. Apply very lil amount on acne affected area at night and wash after 30 min for 1 week. If no redness or irritation you can keep it for 1 hour. Do not overzealously apply any anti acne medications, it might cause irritation. For better treatment and follow up consult dermatologist directly.
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It takes up to 4-6 months.
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Hi lybrate-user, steriod induced acne is a sensitive skin condition, especially with a history of pcos/pcod condition. First we need to normalize your skin for the damage done with panderm plus cream. Apply emolene cream on face as moisturizer and protect your skin with a sunscreen like la shield spf 40 sunscreen. This condition requires constant watch as we need to see how your sensitive skin is responding to our treatment. Healing time is different in different patients. You start seeing results in a couple of days. If you want to follow for the same, feel free to reach out to me in the private section. Also avoid dairy products, sugar and maida. Excerise will help. Avoid scorching sunlight.
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No...contains steroid.. very dangerous... alternate safe cream available...do direct private online consultation for detailed prescription by sending photos.
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To prevent pimples, eat fresh fruits, green vegetables, drinking plenty of water should be an essential part of your routine and intake of oily fried foods, an excess of sugar-salt should be avoided. Don't peal pimples, as they tend to leave scars. Stop using soap on face. Instead take a spoon of milk, add a pinch of turmeric (haldi). Mix n apply on face with the help of cotton. Leave for a few minutes then wash off. Apply moisturizer like coconut oil. For swollen pimples, gently apply ice for a minute or so. Just don't keep the ice on so long that it irritates your skin. Tea tree oil can kill bacteria. Some people use it to treat minor skin irritations, including acne. There isn't much research on how effective it is, but tea tree oil is safe to put directly on your skin in a diluted form. Try it on a small area first to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction. Simple Honey Mask Before applying this mask, rinse your face with warm water to open up pores. Then apply honey and leave it on the skin for 30 minutes. Rinse the honey off with warm water; then rinse again with cold water to close the pores. Yeast and Yogurt Mask for Oily Skin Oily skin is prone to acne, and this home remedy can reduce excess oil and help clear acne. To make the mask, combine 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast with a little plain yogurt to create a thin mixture. Apply it thoroughly to all the oily areas and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water; then use cold water to close the pores. For permanent cure you need constitutional medicines, for that I need detailed case history.
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