I am suffering from severe anxiety and restlessness. I am also taking medicine etizola 0.5 and taking allopathy treatment .i am also taking therapy session. I am under allopathy treatment for the 1 month but I am not feeling well till now. So now I also want to take homeopathy treatment for my restlessness and anxiety. Please suggest me following (1) will it be safe for me to take both allopathy and homeopathy treatment at the same time for restlessness n anxiety. (2) alike allopathy medicine in anxiety and restlessness, homeopathy medicine can have some side effects like, dowziness, fatigue ,etc pls help.
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Hi! you are to go to one sided treatment! alopathy is best ,don't worry anxiety disorder are treatable take along with a good diet, yoga,exercise etc! more important things is take optimumu dose for optimum duration like 8 weeks & further so reconsult your psychiatrist .online you can reach to me!
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Can you please elaborate the allopathy medicine. Usually there won’t be any untoward side effects. But better stick to one.
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Stick to one sort of treatment only and you are under treated for gad.
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Also add some exercise to your daily routine or you can add progressive relaxation exercise (ask your therapist about this). It will help you out.
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Yes u can. There are no side effects. Try to relax yourself -- Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. Take a few minutes to breathe in and out in slow, deep breaths. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. Write It Down. Chew Gum. Spend Time With Friends and Family. Laugh. Massage. Eat a healthy diet. Pursue one hobbyWalk in nature Meditation. Yoga. For more details you can consult me.
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