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Hello doctor! this is the skin biopsy result finger to me by a dermatologist. A 29 year old with skin lesions x 3 years, non-itchy, non-painful. Lesions on both arms, face and trunk. Similar lesions in sibling (brother and sister). Examination revealed erythematous monomorphic papules on both arms, face, trunk. Dd: 1. Syringoma 2. trichoepithelioma 3. Trichilolemmas microscopy: specimen consists of a piece of negroni skin tissue measuring 0.1 x 0.1 cm. Cut section shows homogeneous greyish white tissue. Microscopy: sections show only two hair follicles located within the superficial dermis. There is mild lymphocytic infiltrates at the derma-epidermal junction. There is paucity of adnexal structure, extensive dermal fibrosis with perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates. The features scene are suggestive of diagnosis: chronic perivascular dermatitis please what medication (s) is/are recommended?

1Doctor Answered
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