My doctor suggested to use melaglow it's safe or not. And how many month I should use melaglow please tell me. I have hyperpigmentation on forehead and under my mouth and on cheeks.
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As soon as u stop using it, slowly ur pigmentation problem will be back. You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh, not from readymade gels available in market) on your face. Remove skin of an aloe Vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your face skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Stop using soap on face. Instead take a spoon of milk, add a pinch of turmeric (haldi). Mix n apply on face with the help of cotton. Leave for a few minutes then wash off. Apply moisturizer like coconut oil. Simple Honey Mask--Before applying this mask, rinse your face with warm water to open up pores. Then apply honey and leave it on the skin for 30 minutes. Rinse the honey off with warm water; then rinse again with cold water to close the pores. Use some sunblock with SPF (at least 50) every time you go out in sun. Apply it 30 mins before going out Use umbrella when going in sun. Wear full sleeves cloths Drink plenty of fluids. Don?t be stressed. For more details consult online
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Without exactly knowing the clinical condition, it is difficult to tell how long it should be applied. Secondly, resistent hyper-pigmentation may even require laser sittings.
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Dear Lybrate user, do not use melaglow without supervision of your dermatologist. Rebound pigmentation can occur if sunprotection is not used. And after correct diagnosis, we can start good and safest treatment for you.
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safe... however treatment depends on the grade of pigment skin......Do direct private online consultation for detailed prescription by sending photos.
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Yes. It is generally safe without any side effects. However, if you experience any unusual skin reaction, contact your healthcare professional. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
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