I am 20 years old I consulted a psychiatrist online he prescribed me nexito and provisionally diagnosed me with depression. I am worried about starting antidepressants although I have been feelings hopeless and have no interest to do anything from past 3 months. I end up sleeping excessively and feel tired. I am also feeling less aware and currently no in a position to afford therapist. Is it ok for me to start the meds and if I want to discontinue how should I go about it. Kindly suggest me.
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Hi Ms. lybrate-user, depression as an illness not only affects our mental health .it affects every domain of our life. If the above stated symptoms are persistent ,they should be treated. As every illness be it physical or mental health related, has a duration, an episode of depression too has a minimum duration of 9 to 12 months which may vary a bit individually. Tab nexito is one of the main antidepressants used to overcome depressive symptoms. If you have been properly diagnosed, you should start it and consult your psychiatrist for periodic dose adjustment in accordance with your symptoms. Don't worry ,the symptoms can be treated without fearing for side effects.
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It's perfectly ok for you to start antidepressant. Nexito or escitalopram is one of the safest antidepressant available. The usual course of antidepressant is 4-6 months. Improvement is seen in about 2 weeks. But we have to maintain that improvement for 2 months, hence you must continue the medication for atleast 4 months to prevent relapse. To stop the medication it is slowly tapered over every few days and then stopped under the guidance of the psychiatrist. I would recommend you to start treatment as soon as possible, since its already affecting your life.
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lybrate-user, I am a clinical psychologist. As you mentioned you will not be able to afford therapy, le tme give you some suggestions. Please understand low energy is due to depression. The only way to overcome this is by pushing yourself to be active for a few days. Staying out doors. Keeping yourself busy. Try to have one hour walk (if unable, atleast 20 mts brisk walk) in the morning. Have a schedule for your day. Eating, sleeping, and other activities. Stop day time naps keep yourself busy all the best for your recovery regards sangeetha.
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lybrate-user I would suggest you to go for therapy along with medication for effective treatment. You can look for free counselling services as well. I understand your concern and apprehension about starting antidepressants. It appears that it is much needed right now and that is the only path which can help you in th best possible way right now. You need someone to psychoeducate you about psychiatric medications and therapy. You can drop your queries on urvashi. email I will surely revert in detail.
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Depression improves with medications. Depression is episodic in nature and treatment can be gradually tapered after recovering from the episode. Tapering and stopping of medications has to be discussed with your psychiatrist. Please follow the advice of your doctor.
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