Hi doctor, my mother is 61 years old and is a multiple myeloma patient she is on chemotherapy. Her 3rd chemotherapy cycle is completed. After 3rd chemo cycle she was having fever for more than 9 days then we did covid test based on advice of our onco-hematologist doctor, unfortunately her covid test came positive. We have postponed the next chemo cycle now. She is taking in medication like favipiravir, etc from a physician on her first day her c- reactive protien was 110, d dimer- 400. On second day crp- 79 and d dimer- 1012. Therefore based on physician advice we injected 2 enoxaparin sodium 60 mg injection in 12 hrs gap, after d dimer drop to 390. After that doctor prescribed 6 more injection. Does this treatment won't affect her cancer treatment? Is there anything to worry about? What are the possible suggestions?
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